Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Kaixo Familiako eta lagunak, (Basque)
     What a crazy 4th of July week. But before I get to far a head of myself, Mom I did not get the package as of yet. They left a note telling me to pick it up at the post office because they need confirmation that I got it. Yeah, we've been super busy and we haven't been able to pick it up yet, but we will today when we go with the Zone Leaders to go shopping. Other than that our 4th of July week was filled with many pops and bangs. The bangs and pops were not directed at us, or anything like that. I guess we'll head to “Missionary Weekly” to explain more about it.
  Welcome to “Missionary Weekly”, where we see the Lord’s soldiers in battle against evil. Today: PoP. BaNg, BOOM! Wishing a “Happy 4th of July” to all Americans. We see how the missionaries use the Holiday to their advantage. Read all this and more on this week’s special edition of “Missionary Weekly”.

 07/03/12 - The best way to start a week of missionary work is by having a good breakfast, exercise, uplifting meeting and JOY DROPPING US? NOOOOOOOOO... Yes, we headed out to our lesson with Joy and I realized, yes I, forgot to call and invite a priesthood holder to come with us for the lesson. We decided to reschedule our lesson with Joy. Since we were already there we decided to go up and ask her right there in person. As we started to explain why we needed to reschedule, she invited us in. She told us she had to tell us something. Immediately my stomach jerked, my thoughts started to race on what she wanted to tell us. Did she get an answer that it was true or does she not want to meet with us any more? Just an F.Y.I. it was the second answer... or question... or whatever. My fears were realized She said, "I don't think I want to continue with these meetings anymore. I feel I've learned enough and I feel that I'm betraying my old religion." My heart broke and I know that sounds a little corny, but I felt we made good progress with her. I really thought she was going to get baptized. When that happened I was devastated. First Dwight and now Joy? Even though I didn't know them as a good friend does, I still felt bad that they would give it up, after hardly ever reading any of the Book of Mormon. I mean the truth is in front of them, pretty much doing a jig in front of them and they ignored it. Today, as in the 9th, we were watch the “Preach My Gospel” DVDs and at the end one of them a missionary said, "you know it doesn't matter if the person doesn't get baptized this transfer, it matters that we taught and help them come closer to Christ." I'm just paraphrasing that, but basically it means that it doesn't matter whether Joy gets baptized while I'm here, it matters about the effort I put into teaching her. Oh and she wanted to give the Book of Mormon back but we didn't want another “Dwight moment” so we told her to keep it and gave her a few chapters to read.

  07/04/12 - Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!! This was actually, in a surprising way a successful day missionary work wise. We went out to do less-active contacting and were able to meet and talk with most of them. lol Then we headed back to our apartment so we could be ready for President Weston to pick us up. I was nervous at first, but Elder Leone was all chill about it and so I relaxed a bit. Once President Weston pulled up I notice he was chill too, not to say I was
surprised, but I was a little bit surprised by that. lol So when we got there the other missionaries from our district showed up, except one (they already
had plans). Also Elder Arnett and Elder Natane showed up (They're the Zone leaders in Citrus Heights). It was a big Party!!!! My friend and trainer, as well as the other missionaries from my district made it a blast. We also sang “Happy Birthday” to Elder Frank, our Zone Leader. His birthday is on the 4th so all of the missionaries and the Weston family, sang Weston style (we all sing Happy Birthday at different times and different pitches). Lol We had a blast!!!! Sadly though, firework status was not the best (NONE).

  07/05/12 - EXCHANGES!!!!...Yay! Today we did exchanges with the 9th Ward. Elder Rasmussen and I were in my area. I was pretty psyched. I love hanging out with that kid he is always fun to hang around with. Sadly, the day wasn't as productive as it could have been. We actual did some tracting. Oh, check this out the road we were tracting on had a yard sale but no one was out so I decided as a fun tracting approach we should check it out. We knocked at the door and asked if they were having a yard sale and they said yeah. We asked, “Do you mind if we look around?” They said, “They were eating, but sure.” So, we went into the tent to look at some shirts, and of course they were all too small, then she opened the Garage and I saw a New Translation Bible with the Apocryphal and other books. Part of it I thought was interesting and so I used that to get a conversation going. Sadly though, she wasn't that interested, but I kept the conversation going  by talking about some of the other stuff she had and apparently something stirred because she let us have a CD I was eyeing, which I might send home because it's not mission approved. It’s a sound tract to one of my favorite movies, so yeah I'm going to have to send it home. I guess that approach wasn't as successful as I hoped. Oh well, I guess people just have the 4th
of July hangover. lol. We did have a lesson with Mara, it was a short one because it was getting late, but it was about faith and she really liked it.

 07/06/12 - We had a lesson with Logan this day. It went very well. Not much to say, except we committed him to Baptism, not to a date yet, but this week we will set the date.

 07/07/12 - I think this day we spent more time outside than any other day this week. My arms are so brown now. lol Still people were not home. Ok, I can say that half the people were home, but mostly in the morning. I believe that’s the best time to visit less-actives, in the morning. lol

     And that's all for BY-, I mean “Missionary Weekly”....

     Man, I see why you love my emails Mom and maybe the rest of you, I guess. Time to change programs to Q&A CORNER!!!

Q1.  How is the weather?  Did you feel the earthquake that happened in Northern California Sunday morning? It was 4.3 and was centered close to San Francisco.  Are you two staying cool and taking care of yourselves?

A1. It’s hot! Lets leave it at that. Nope, I didn’t feel the earthquake. Yep, we are staying cool when we can and taking care of ourselves.

Q2.  Tell us about your 4th of July.  What did you end up doing?  Did you really do much door knocking?  I would think people would all be at parks or family BBQs. lol  I hope you got a traditional hamburger or hotdog.

A2. *Please refer to 07/04/12....

Q3.  How was this week with Joy and Logan?  We always keep them in our prayers.  I have good feelings about them both.  I hope you can reach them with your testimony and teaching.  Just have faith and let the spirit lead you while teaching them.

A3. *Please refer to Missionary Weekly

Q4.  What was the best thing about this past week?  What was the hardest thing about this past week?  What is something new that you learned or taught this past week?  What was the most interesting thing you heard or saw this past week?  Share whatever made the biggest
Impressions upon your mind - curious minds want to know.

A4. The Best? You tell me? I guess the 4th of July Dinner/BBQ with The Weston Family. The Hardest? Just read “Missionary weekly”.... Matt 14:27-32. I learned t how to apply our work to Helaman 5:12. I don't know, I wish I knew what my mind is saying. It feels like it’s going 200 mph!!!!

Q5.   What is your goal for this coming week?  What do you personally want to accomplish this coming week? What is something you would like to learn about in your studies this coming week?  What is something you would like to change this coming week?  How do you plan to make that change happen?

A5. Talk with Everyone. Like always, find someone to teach. There’s nothing in particular I want to learn, just whatever the Lord feels that I need to know. I want to just really work on everything and to improve. I plan to work, work, and work, what more can I say?

Q6.  The pictures of the Temple were nice.  Wish it had been daylight. I have found some great pictures on the Internet of Roseville City. Have you seen anything in the area that you really like? Or that surprised you? What is the best thing about Roseville?  What don't you like about Roseville City?

A6. I haven’t found anything surprising. I don’t like any area in Roseville in particular really, just Sunsplash Water park, which I can't go to. The best thing about Roseville, I don't know, just the abundance of members? What I don't like? Let’s save that answer for later ok?

Well I guess that's it for this email. I wish I could write more, but that would take Days!!!

Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, الوداع, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci! zbogom, अलविदा (Alavidā), Hwyl fawr, kwaheri,tạm biệt, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a. Until next time, this is Elder Morris in Roseville singing out, Peace on!!!! “Do do do do do do email.”

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