Monday, February 20, 2012

Beginning of new transfers

  Hello Family and Friends,
     Wow this has been a long week.  First off lets go to our transfers that happened Tuesday.  Well it started off ok; we said good-bye to Elder Morris and Elder McArthur (Our brown boy from Hawaii). There is a Funny story about him. He is a “greenie” that came to the mission last transfer. He was quiet at first, like all missionaries are, but by the end of our first week with him he really opened up.  He's a really funny guy.  He does really funny impressions and of course he can rap on the spot. So yeah he’s awesome. You can guess my surprise when I found out he was getting transferred. Usually “greenies” don't get transferred in the first transfer of their mission, but apparently he did.  Now we have another “greenie”. His name is Elder Boyer. He seems alright, but it will take some getting use to.  Anyway back to Tuesday, so we had to baby-sit Knight for a bit. He also had a lesson and his companion wasn't around yet.  The three of us went to do the lesson and Knight being the man that he is committed her to baptism on the 7th of March. When we came back we saw some missionaries at our apartment. We met Elder Gillan, nice guy he came from Mount Shasta. The funny thing is that his area before that was Penn Valley, in our district.  He went from Auburn zone to Redding zone. Redding is at the very top mind you, back in the Grass Valley Ward. Then we had our lesson with Brother Baker, (The Grandfather) on the Plan of Salvation. The lesson went very well, but I still feel like he is just doing it because his wife wanted him to, not that that's a bad thing. We'll see what happens.
    Wednesday was our District Meeting. It was a great time, even for Elder Gillian.  It is his first time being District leader. It was pretty good. We talked about getting our investigators to church and all that good stuff. It was funny when we did introductions. We gave our names, how long we've been out, our last area and you wouldn't believe it, but also our favorite Pokemon. Lol. It was hilarious.  That was one of the Zone Leader’s ideas, Elder Squires, the new Zone Leader from Red Bluff.  Now we come to the strange part of the day. We just got back from our lesson with one of our less-active members, who really is active, but goes to the ward in Citrus Heights because that’s where her fiancé lives. We were wondering what to do between lunch and dinner. We decided to visit Chris. What a horrible mistake. We went by and he was excited to see us. He invited us in and said, “Prepare to be scared to your very soul.” Once I stepped in the Spirit was gone. I felt that we needed to get out of there. I could tell Brooks felt it too.  Chris told us about the movie him and his girlfriend were about to watch, called “Event Rising”, I think.  I could definantl tell from the look on the DVD’s menu it was not a good movie.  He gave us this paper and started to ramble about how we need to vote for Ron Paul because the country is going down hill. He started to ramble on and on.  Brooks, thank goodness, got us out of there. I felt so disgusted.  We went back to the apartment and just sat there until it was time for dinner.  It got better. We had dinner at Lin Q's, which is a Chinese buffet. A member took us and it was alright, but I think I might stay a way from Chinese for a while. lol.

   Thursday was an a-okay day. We went out and tried to visit a few people. One person answered the door, but apparently the person we came to visit doesn't live there anymore.  No one else answered their doors when we visited them. Yeah that was that. Elder Brooks wasn't feeling well that day, but now he's better.

   Friday was weekly planning day. We updated the area book and what not and then later that day we had dinner with the Blendez Family.  WE (as in Elder Brooks) made egg rolls mmmmmmmmm they were really good and he also made Oreo balls. Oh man taste so good but are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy bad for you.

   Saturday, I was a little bummed this day mostly because I was expecting a letter MOM, "that should have come yesterday. It's coming tomorrow and your lucky I'm talking to you. jk lol I LOVE YOU MOM!!!! We also took a "trip" to Donners Pass.  Don't worry I'll send pictures. There was soooooooooo much snow up there. Where we live the snow was already gone, like 4 days ago. Later in the week, on Friday, I lost my scriptures at the Church. When I looked to find them I could not find them anywhere. *sad face with a tear* Elder Brooks suggested that I should pray in the Chapel and seek revelation. My first thought was "like what Catholics do?" I was confused, but I did.  It took me a long time, but I got my answer slowly and surely.  Thanks to Elder Brooks' encouragement, I found my Scriptures and my Backpack. WHOO HOO, I was happy.

   And Sunday was just like every other Sunday.

   That was my week. Now lets head to Q&A corner, YAY!!!
1.   How are the Grandfather's lessons going?  Is he preparing for Baptism and feeling good about the decision?
a. See Paragraph 1

2.   Have you gotten more snow?  We got snow again today.  I am really just ready for spring instead.
A.  Not since Monday, but Monday was beautiful *see pics in next E-mail

3.   Did you find any new investigators?  Did any of the investigators or less-actives you are working with show up at Church today?
A. No, not yet. Brother Baker was sick Sunday. *another sad face*

4.   How are Elder Brooks and Elder Knight doing?  What do you think of your new roommate and Elder Knight's new companion?
A. They're doing fine. Elder Brooks' Cousin passed away but they knew it was going to happen. He had stage 4 colon cancer. Elder Brooks seems to b taking it well.

5.   Have you found any exciting inspirations or lessons during your study time?  I have found some new things to tell you about when I write.  I loved a message that I heard at Garden Cove's Ward Conference and I will share it with you soon.
A. Lately I've been trying to study my purpose. I just have a desire to write things lately. I don't know why, I just want to write.  I've just been answering a lot of the questions in Preach My Gospel.

6.   Have you tried any new cooking experiences?  Have you tried any of my recipes like the rice?  Be sure you are taking vitamins and eating some fresh uncooked foods that are green or bright colored (like salad!).  Have you tried the smoothie drinks?  Sorry they take crushed ice and yogurt.  They are very good for you, though.
A. Some... I lost the recipe for the rice and the other foods, but we are all trying some new things. I don't have any Vitamins but I'll try to eat raw foods. And the Smoothie packets, thanks they're awesome. You don't need crushed ice you can just freeze the Bananas, just peel them and cut them up in good size chunks about the size of your pointer finger and put them in a Zip lock bag.  Freeze them over night and there you go just add milk and mix. It’s as simple as that. That's what I do all the time. lol.

 What an Email. This was one crazy week. I hope all of you had a great Valentines Day and Presidents Day as well and Birthday too, right sis? You know the song.
  Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, Smell ya later, Noice, AND Nofo a.  Until next time, this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing out. Peace on!!!!    

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