Monday, February 6, 2012

"Back Up and Running"

Hey Family!!!!
    Ah man I can't believe its the start of week six (every six weeks is a transfer) this transfer is going by soooooooo fast *sigh* oh well we're planning on ending this week on a high note.
    This week was a crazy week. First of all, we had interviews this week and for some reason I'm always the first one he picks.  I wonder why? It’s probably because I'm the closest one when he started.  Meaning I was the one sitting the closest to him when he picked. It went very well, but sadly I don't really remember everything we talked about.  I do remember, we did talk about you guys and if I can get the area back up and running.  I said we could.  All the usual stuff too.  Then the next day we decide to venture out to the far side of our area, which is 10 miles outside of Truckee.  As we were driving it got colder and colder and guess what we saw..........SNOW on the ground (see pictures they may not be good but it'll show you what I mean).  Down where I live it is 70°F.  I was amazed not to mention that there were actually Mountains around us covered in snow too. It was like a Hallmark Christmas card.  We got on to I-80 because we couldn't turn around.  It was crazy and fun, but I think we were far from our area boundaries.  As you can tell I got home safely. The next day was a pretty crazy day. We were asked to teach Seminary. This was my first taste of early morning seminary, but it brought back all the great memories of Seminary and high school. Its too bad it went so fast, but it was still very fun to experience it. We talked about prophets and that was good, I'm still very tired from that day. lol Now, the next day was a little crazier. Dad, I don't know if you told me this or somebody else? You and your Comp went exploring in a church.  We had our own similar little adventure.
    We went to the church to drop off some progress records for some other missionaries, thinking they were there. They weren't there so we decided to look for them. As we were walking down the hall my Comp said it would be funny if the clerks office were open.  As he said that the door opened. We were both amazed and thought we should go in and see if we could get a current Ward Directory.  We tried that, but failed.  We did find a map of our area, but we decided should leave it because they might need it. I'm guessing.  Then we saw the key box and it was open too.  I guess you can tell what happen after.  We borrowed the attic keys and it opened and Elder Brooks went up to check it out. It seemed pretty nice, but cold.  Got lots of nice pictures.  Sunday we had dinner with a less active family and apparently the Super Bowl was somehow turned on.  We had dinner it was good. Steak and Ribs, Yummmmmmmmm!!!!!
   Now for Q&A corner!!!!!!!!

   1.  Have you gotten any more investigators or less-actives to teach?  Remember everyone needs the gospel to truly be happy.
   A. Not yet, well I guess you could say we picked one up on Sunday.  A member bore his testimony that his friend’s dad wanted to become a member.  He even set a baptism date for the 17th, so I guess you can say we picked one up. lol.
   2.  Are you and your roommates cooking more and keeping up with all the domestic (housework) and self-care things you need to do?  Do you need anything to make apartment life easier like cleaning tips, kitchen supplies, bathroom supplies or food?
   A. Nah I think we're fine.
   3.  Have you driven much yet? 
   A. Not yet, but we have exchanges tonight so I might have to drive.
   4.  Do you need any more white shirts, garments or anything like that?  How are things holding up for you?
   A. Things are fine here. Oh and the shirt you sent me for Christmas, the Sleeves are way too short for me.
   5.  Has spring come to Nevada City?  It is still quite cold here but no snow and plenty of sunshine.  The groundhog saw his shadow so six more weeks of winter.  YUK!  I am ready for spring.  How about you?
   A. Sadly it feels like spring and I want snow! 
    6.  Transfers are coming soon, are you hoping to stay where you are or make a change?  What does Elder Brooks want to do?  How long has Elder Brooks been out?  Is he closer to the end or the beginning of his mission?  Do you hear from Elder Kuhlenholter or Elder Arnett?  Do you think you will see them again soon?
   A. I'm hoping to stay and get this area on its feet.  Elder Brooks wants to stay and he probably will.  This is his second transfer here in Nevada City. He's been out for about 13 months. He will be going home in December. I haven’t seen Elder Kuhlenholter or Elder Arnett since week 2 and 3.  I'm sure they're doing fine.  If I know them they are doing fine. As for seeing them again, I hope so!!!

 Well I guess that's it for this weeks Email, You know the tune,
Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene’, Alsons y, Smell ya later, Noice, Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing out. Peace on!!!!

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