Monday, February 27, 2012

L. Tom Perry to visit.

Salve Amici e Familiari, Hello Family and Friends,
   What a week. It feels sooooooooooo long compared to other weeks and I don't know why. Usually time goes fast, but this week was a little slow. Well, I guess we can get to the main news. On March 8th, 2012 Elder L. Tom Perry will be coming to the mission for a conference to talk to us. This is so exciting. The conference is going be held in Antelope and the Sacramento mission is also coming up to join us.  There is only one sad part. The missionaries in Anderson zone and Redding zone (all areas north of Chico) are not allowed to come because they're to far north.  They will broadcast it to them. So, yeah a General Authority is coming to the California Roseville Mission. WHOO HOO!
   In other news.... the weather here is SNOW. WHOO HOO! There are nice big snowflakes. I love it!!!! Anyway, this week was a very strange week. First, on Tuesday Colfax area came up to our area because they had to take their Truck to Liberty Motors to get their monthly car check.  We went with them to pick them up while their truck was getting checked.  We hung out with Elder R and Elder C most of the day. It was fun to hang out with Elder C again. Ha Ha Ha I just love that Asian kid. He always cracks me up. I hope we stay together in the same district the rest of the mission. Hee Haw, that would be cool.
   On Wednesday, we had the usual district meeting and the usual district lunch and such. Then we tried to visit a new move-in, but sadly the road to them was really rocky. This is a song me and Brooks put together about it.  Eh hem..."Over the river and through the woods to the H's house we go... the car will break the car will shake over the rocky trail we go O... Over the river and through the woods to the H's house we will go, once we're there we'll find it bare, so back home we will go o".  So, yeah I actually made that up right here and now. lol  It was a nice trip our shocks really stunk though.  We just need a truck AHHHHHH!!!!!
   Thursday was exchanges for Alta, Sierra and Grass Valley.  That day we all just hung out all day.  Good thing we didn't have anything big planned that day. We did have to take Grass Valley's car to Liberty Motors. That was the reason the plans were shot because we had to babysit them for a while. Oh well, it was ok. To tell you the truth I wish I had my Journal on me because I wrote a lot more than I am typing right now. Oh well.
    Friday I can't remember. This is when a Journal comes in handy.
    Saturday was another exchange day for Grass Valley with Penn Valley.  We both had service all day long, moving very and I say VERY heavy furniture. My knee is still soar from it.
   Sunday was a very funny day. The talks were good. The last one was hilarious. The person giving the talk brought a stuffed duck. The duck sang, “If you're happy and you know it”.  His talk was on being happy and joyful.  That just made my day.  At dinner there was a little girl who was celebrating her birthday. She was turning 6 and we talk and talk. She reminded me of my sister because she likes horses.  She acts like her too, in a cute way.  When we were teaching our lesson she jumped into my lap and hugged me the whole time.  Flash backs of home lol.  I think she might of took my tag. lol Oh, I'll get it back later this week. It was so funny because she didn't want us to leave.  I guess we left an impression on her. lol.
   Now for  Q&A!!!!!!!
1. Any lessons taught this week? How is Brother B coming along? Do you feel he is on track to get baptized this coming month?
A. Not a lot. Brother B was in the hospital this week so we didn't have the chance to meet with him. He did come to church!!! So yeah, progress!!!
2. How was Church today? Did you have any less-actives or investigators there? Today was a ward conference and I will write more about that in my letter.
A. * See Sunday and #1.
3. Is it still winter in Nevada City? Do you ever get to ride your bike? I am going to start to do that for exercise. Do you and Elder B ever jog like they did in the "Best Two Years"?
A. A little bit. Its been very warm lately.  Nope, I don't ride my bike at all.  We're planning on going jogging this week, so whoo hoo!!
4. Did you have an earthquake on the coast in California? We heard a rumor that there was a small earthquake on the shore of Northern California. Do you have a plan if there is an earthquake?
A. Not to my knowledge. If there was, I didn't feel it.  I'm far from the coast. I live close to Nevada, just outside of Truckee.
5. I'm sorry I can't get your Dad in gear to get the pictures scanned. I never did see the pictures you mentioned in your last email. Did you not have time to send those? Dad said we could send you a new sim card and you could send us yours? Or you could download your photos onto a computer then put them on a CD and send that to us? Those are just some ideas. What you are doing is fine too.
A. I will try to send you guys a CD soon. I'll get some Cds later today.
6. Tell us a bit about all your roommates/companions. Where are they from? What do they like? What are they good at? How have you served each of them? Always remember to do nice things for them they are your family while you are there.
A. Ok, Elder B: From Springhill, Tennessee. His mother joined the church when she was 13 and served a mission in Canada. His father has been a member his whole life and served his mission in Kentucky. The two met at Washington DC.  He's from LA and she's from Arkansas.  Elder B has a younger sister, who is 16 this month. His family moved a lot because of his dad's work and they finally settled in Springhill.  The Dad fixes Hospital Computers.  He leaves every Monday and comes home every Friday. Elder B loves Photography. His dream job is to work for National Geographic. His back up plan is to work in Marine Biology. He loves Country music.  He hates Spaghetti and Lasagna, because he has had it a lot on his mission so far.  He loves soccer and he used to referee Girls soccer. Loves to read the Inheritance series (Eragon, Eldest, Brisinger, and so forth) and Loves Harry Potter!! 
   Elder K, usually keeps to himself but he's opened up a lot lately.  He loves the University of Utah, disc golf, basketball, and video games, like Halo and Star Craft. He's from Salt Lake and he went to West High.  He is really good at debating. He's planning on going to school afterwards.
   Elder G, big kid, has only 5 months left. He used to serve in Penn Valley. He loves Country and Rap music. He LOVES Taylor Swift (he has a few poster of her in his study room lol.). He's from Colorado.  His favorite quote is “I am you master”, (So annoying).  He is District Leader and a good missionary.
   Is that good enough? lol.
Well that's it for this long Email.  I swear my Emails get longer and longer.  Well, you know the tune.
 Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face.  Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, Arrivederci! Smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a, Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing out. Peace on!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Beginning of new transfers

  Hello Family and Friends,
     Wow this has been a long week.  First off lets go to our transfers that happened Tuesday.  Well it started off ok; we said good-bye to Elder Morris and Elder McArthur (Our brown boy from Hawaii). There is a Funny story about him. He is a “greenie” that came to the mission last transfer. He was quiet at first, like all missionaries are, but by the end of our first week with him he really opened up.  He's a really funny guy.  He does really funny impressions and of course he can rap on the spot. So yeah he’s awesome. You can guess my surprise when I found out he was getting transferred. Usually “greenies” don't get transferred in the first transfer of their mission, but apparently he did.  Now we have another “greenie”. His name is Elder Boyer. He seems alright, but it will take some getting use to.  Anyway back to Tuesday, so we had to baby-sit Knight for a bit. He also had a lesson and his companion wasn't around yet.  The three of us went to do the lesson and Knight being the man that he is committed her to baptism on the 7th of March. When we came back we saw some missionaries at our apartment. We met Elder Gillan, nice guy he came from Mount Shasta. The funny thing is that his area before that was Penn Valley, in our district.  He went from Auburn zone to Redding zone. Redding is at the very top mind you, back in the Grass Valley Ward. Then we had our lesson with Brother Baker, (The Grandfather) on the Plan of Salvation. The lesson went very well, but I still feel like he is just doing it because his wife wanted him to, not that that's a bad thing. We'll see what happens.
    Wednesday was our District Meeting. It was a great time, even for Elder Gillian.  It is his first time being District leader. It was pretty good. We talked about getting our investigators to church and all that good stuff. It was funny when we did introductions. We gave our names, how long we've been out, our last area and you wouldn't believe it, but also our favorite Pokemon. Lol. It was hilarious.  That was one of the Zone Leader’s ideas, Elder Squires, the new Zone Leader from Red Bluff.  Now we come to the strange part of the day. We just got back from our lesson with one of our less-active members, who really is active, but goes to the ward in Citrus Heights because that’s where her fiancĂ© lives. We were wondering what to do between lunch and dinner. We decided to visit Chris. What a horrible mistake. We went by and he was excited to see us. He invited us in and said, “Prepare to be scared to your very soul.” Once I stepped in the Spirit was gone. I felt that we needed to get out of there. I could tell Brooks felt it too.  Chris told us about the movie him and his girlfriend were about to watch, called “Event Rising”, I think.  I could definantl tell from the look on the DVD’s menu it was not a good movie.  He gave us this paper and started to ramble about how we need to vote for Ron Paul because the country is going down hill. He started to ramble on and on.  Brooks, thank goodness, got us out of there. I felt so disgusted.  We went back to the apartment and just sat there until it was time for dinner.  It got better. We had dinner at Lin Q's, which is a Chinese buffet. A member took us and it was alright, but I think I might stay a way from Chinese for a while. lol.

   Thursday was an a-okay day. We went out and tried to visit a few people. One person answered the door, but apparently the person we came to visit doesn't live there anymore.  No one else answered their doors when we visited them. Yeah that was that. Elder Brooks wasn't feeling well that day, but now he's better.

   Friday was weekly planning day. We updated the area book and what not and then later that day we had dinner with the Blendez Family.  WE (as in Elder Brooks) made egg rolls mmmmmmmmm they were really good and he also made Oreo balls. Oh man taste so good but are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy bad for you.

   Saturday, I was a little bummed this day mostly because I was expecting a letter MOM, "that should have come yesterday. It's coming tomorrow and your lucky I'm talking to you. jk lol I LOVE YOU MOM!!!! We also took a "trip" to Donners Pass.  Don't worry I'll send pictures. There was soooooooooo much snow up there. Where we live the snow was already gone, like 4 days ago. Later in the week, on Friday, I lost my scriptures at the Church. When I looked to find them I could not find them anywhere. *sad face with a tear* Elder Brooks suggested that I should pray in the Chapel and seek revelation. My first thought was "like what Catholics do?" I was confused, but I did.  It took me a long time, but I got my answer slowly and surely.  Thanks to Elder Brooks' encouragement, I found my Scriptures and my Backpack. WHOO HOO, I was happy.

   And Sunday was just like every other Sunday.

   That was my week. Now lets head to Q&A corner, YAY!!!
1.   How are the Grandfather's lessons going?  Is he preparing for Baptism and feeling good about the decision?
a. See Paragraph 1

2.   Have you gotten more snow?  We got snow again today.  I am really just ready for spring instead.
A.  Not since Monday, but Monday was beautiful *see pics in next E-mail

3.   Did you find any new investigators?  Did any of the investigators or less-actives you are working with show up at Church today?
A. No, not yet. Brother Baker was sick Sunday. *another sad face*

4.   How are Elder Brooks and Elder Knight doing?  What do you think of your new roommate and Elder Knight's new companion?
A. They're doing fine. Elder Brooks' Cousin passed away but they knew it was going to happen. He had stage 4 colon cancer. Elder Brooks seems to b taking it well.

5.   Have you found any exciting inspirations or lessons during your study time?  I have found some new things to tell you about when I write.  I loved a message that I heard at Garden Cove's Ward Conference and I will share it with you soon.
A. Lately I've been trying to study my purpose. I just have a desire to write things lately. I don't know why, I just want to write.  I've just been answering a lot of the questions in Preach My Gospel.

6.   Have you tried any new cooking experiences?  Have you tried any of my recipes like the rice?  Be sure you are taking vitamins and eating some fresh uncooked foods that are green or bright colored (like salad!).  Have you tried the smoothie drinks?  Sorry they take crushed ice and yogurt.  They are very good for you, though.
A. Some... I lost the recipe for the rice and the other foods, but we are all trying some new things. I don't have any Vitamins but I'll try to eat raw foods. And the Smoothie packets, thanks they're awesome. You don't need crushed ice you can just freeze the Bananas, just peel them and cut them up in good size chunks about the size of your pointer finger and put them in a Zip lock bag.  Freeze them over night and there you go just add milk and mix. It’s as simple as that. That's what I do all the time. lol.

 What an Email. This was one crazy week. I hope all of you had a great Valentines Day and Presidents Day as well and Birthday too, right sis? You know the song.
  Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, Smell ya later, Noice, AND Nofo a.  Until next time, this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing out. Peace on!!!!    

Monday, February 13, 2012

"Actual Snow"

Salve famiglia, (hello family)
   We come to the end of another transfer.... *sigh* sad times and happy times.  No, I'm not the one that's getting transferred.  I'm staying in Nevada City and so is Elder Brooks.  Elder Knight is staying as well, but as for the other Elder Morris he's heading to Table Mountain 1st ward in Gridley, CA.  Enough about that, now lets head to BYU weekly, wait!! I mean “Missionary Weekly”.

   Well we didn't hit the high note I had hoped for this week, but got closer.  As of this week we have one Investigator with a Baptism date. There is an odd, but interesting story behind it. We never met the man until a couple of days ago.  We heard about him from his son, who is a member of the church.  It all started last Sunday (Feb, 5 2012) during testimony meeting.  It was a regular testimony meeting, you know with all the travel-monies and my life-a-monies, until Brother Baker, (his son) got up. He bore his and said that he was proud that his father decided to get baptized, "Wait, What?" I was confused at first because I didn’t remember teaching a 90 yr old man.  After sacrament meeting we went up and spoke to Brother Baker.  We set up a time to meet with him and help his father be ready for Baptism.
    As for the day of exchanges "WE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEEDDDD!!!" It was fine. Driving wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We did almost get hit though.  Don't ask why; let's just say the gas pedal is now my hero. Lol  It was so weird driving a Corolla just because the Gas pedal has no and I mean NO response/pressure, like when I floored it we were still going very slow.  It is not like the Hyundai Accent back at home. When I floored it... um, wait, never mind. lol

    As for the rest of this week it was meh... but the package did make up for it.  Thank You!!!! How did you know I needed a new Sketchbook? lol Now for the fun part Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for (Crowd roars) "Q & A Corner!!!" That’s Right!

 1. What is the weather like? We woke up to giant flakes of snow this morning. Probably got a couple of inches, but it is melting fast. Crissy, is just like you and loves the snow. It makes her happy to see the snowflakes falling.
A. Well for today SNOW. ACTUAL SNOW WHOO HOO!!!!!!! I'll send pictures... he he he he!!

2. How was driving for exchanges? How did you do? Martin took his second driving test but failed by one. He still has one more chance with Coach Briggs.
A. Please go to paragraph 3 for more information.

3. Did you have any investigators or less active attend church yesterday? I went to Elm Creek Ward's conference. I always enjoy sitting in on the Primaries. The kids are always cute and full of energy.
A. Please go to paragraph 2 for more information.

4. How are you doing Health wise? Arthur has a mild respiratory infection but is on antibiotics and doing OK.  He's a tough kid, but I guess you know that.
A. I'm doing just excellente (fine).

5. I am glad you can't do facebook or blogs. There is always so much negative and inappropriate material on those places. What Crissy was listening to was "Owl City" and thinking about you? Not sure what that is? Lydia says it is band or group. Is there any music that you would like Dad to record for you and send to you? Is the portable CD player and speakers working OK?
A. Would I like some more music? Yes.... I want my music. Owl City would be perfect, but sadly I'm pretty sure that they are not mission approved. I'm not 100% sure, but who knows.  The Daniel Beck’s CD you were telling me about, some Jon Schmidt, Stephen Sharp music and other cool piano music would be great.  I can't think of anything else right now, but I'll let you know.  Oh and if you have time look up “Love Story Meets Viva la Vida” by the piano guys. There is another song that they did that Coldplay also did it is called, “Paradise”.  Alex Boye sings in it. It sounds pretty awesome. Check it out, you might find it on Youtube. Lol  I heard the music video is good as well.

6. Lydia wants to know if you are happy and enjoying yourself? We always keep you and Elder Brooks in our prayers. Dad and I also put your name on the Temple Prayer Roll all the time. We have been to the temple 4 times in the past couple months and have two more trips this month.  Then we have several trips in March (Ward Temple Dinners for their conferences).
A. Yep, Lydia I am happy.  Thanks for the letter you sent. How are you doing? Thank you guys for your prayers. We need them.

7. Our Sister Missionaries are holding a Stake Luau this coming Saturday. It is so that members can bring people interested in hearing the gospel. It is to get referrals and help re-activate those less active members. Do you get to do those types of things? How do you get referrals? Are the ward mission leaders helpful?
A. Sometimes we do, but we have to get the ward council involved.  So we haven't planned anything like that yet. Yeah, we do not get referrals as much as we should or could I guess. They are more reliable than finding investigators on our own.  Yeah, he tries his best at his calling.

I guess that's it for this e-mail hope you enjoy the weather and enjoy life as well.  Remember, "He's always watching" so with out further ado, you know the tune.
  Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, Smell ya later, Noice, Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing out. Peace on!!!!
P.S. The words in italics is Italian.  La vostra accoglienza (your welcome), Martin. lol

Monday, February 6, 2012

"Back Up and Running"

Hey Family!!!!
    Ah man I can't believe its the start of week six (every six weeks is a transfer) this transfer is going by soooooooo fast *sigh* oh well we're planning on ending this week on a high note.
    This week was a crazy week. First of all, we had interviews this week and for some reason I'm always the first one he picks.  I wonder why? It’s probably because I'm the closest one when he started.  Meaning I was the one sitting the closest to him when he picked. It went very well, but sadly I don't really remember everything we talked about.  I do remember, we did talk about you guys and if I can get the area back up and running.  I said we could.  All the usual stuff too.  Then the next day we decide to venture out to the far side of our area, which is 10 miles outside of Truckee.  As we were driving it got colder and colder and guess what we saw..........SNOW on the ground (see pictures they may not be good but it'll show you what I mean).  Down where I live it is 70°F.  I was amazed not to mention that there were actually Mountains around us covered in snow too. It was like a Hallmark Christmas card.  We got on to I-80 because we couldn't turn around.  It was crazy and fun, but I think we were far from our area boundaries.  As you can tell I got home safely. The next day was a pretty crazy day. We were asked to teach Seminary. This was my first taste of early morning seminary, but it brought back all the great memories of Seminary and high school. Its too bad it went so fast, but it was still very fun to experience it. We talked about prophets and that was good, I'm still very tired from that day. lol Now, the next day was a little crazier. Dad, I don't know if you told me this or somebody else? You and your Comp went exploring in a church.  We had our own similar little adventure.
    We went to the church to drop off some progress records for some other missionaries, thinking they were there. They weren't there so we decided to look for them. As we were walking down the hall my Comp said it would be funny if the clerks office were open.  As he said that the door opened. We were both amazed and thought we should go in and see if we could get a current Ward Directory.  We tried that, but failed.  We did find a map of our area, but we decided should leave it because they might need it. I'm guessing.  Then we saw the key box and it was open too.  I guess you can tell what happen after.  We borrowed the attic keys and it opened and Elder Brooks went up to check it out. It seemed pretty nice, but cold.  Got lots of nice pictures.  Sunday we had dinner with a less active family and apparently the Super Bowl was somehow turned on.  We had dinner it was good. Steak and Ribs, Yummmmmmmmm!!!!!
   Now for Q&A corner!!!!!!!!

   1.  Have you gotten any more investigators or less-actives to teach?  Remember everyone needs the gospel to truly be happy.
   A. Not yet, well I guess you could say we picked one up on Sunday.  A member bore his testimony that his friend’s dad wanted to become a member.  He even set a baptism date for the 17th, so I guess you can say we picked one up. lol.
   2.  Are you and your roommates cooking more and keeping up with all the domestic (housework) and self-care things you need to do?  Do you need anything to make apartment life easier like cleaning tips, kitchen supplies, bathroom supplies or food?
   A. Nah I think we're fine.
   3.  Have you driven much yet? 
   A. Not yet, but we have exchanges tonight so I might have to drive.
   4.  Do you need any more white shirts, garments or anything like that?  How are things holding up for you?
   A. Things are fine here. Oh and the shirt you sent me for Christmas, the Sleeves are way too short for me.
   5.  Has spring come to Nevada City?  It is still quite cold here but no snow and plenty of sunshine.  The groundhog saw his shadow so six more weeks of winter.  YUK!  I am ready for spring.  How about you?
   A. Sadly it feels like spring and I want snow! 
    6.  Transfers are coming soon, are you hoping to stay where you are or make a change?  What does Elder Brooks want to do?  How long has Elder Brooks been out?  Is he closer to the end or the beginning of his mission?  Do you hear from Elder Kuhlenholter or Elder Arnett?  Do you think you will see them again soon?
   A. I'm hoping to stay and get this area on its feet.  Elder Brooks wants to stay and he probably will.  This is his second transfer here in Nevada City. He's been out for about 13 months. He will be going home in December. I haven’t seen Elder Kuhlenholter or Elder Arnett since week 2 and 3.  I'm sure they're doing fine.  If I know them they are doing fine. As for seeing them again, I hope so!!!

 Well I guess that's it for this weeks Email, You know the tune,
Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene’, Alsons y, Smell ya later, Noice, Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing out. Peace on!!!!