Monday, January 30, 2012

"Huge Area"

Dear Family,
    I hope all is well with all of you. Things here have been very slow lately, but lots of work getting done. Lately we've been compiling our former investigators, less actives, members, and potential investigator list, arranging the list into street names. Now when we visit them we don't have to drive to one part of the city and back to the other end. It is more organized, WHOO HOO, but one problem, it is taking a long time. It has taken like three days, but we're almost done. YES!!!! It's crazy to see how many less actives there are. A TON!!!! The number is just crazy. Recently, just two days ago, we had a dinner in Downieville. Downieville is a loooooooooooong, and I mean a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG drive. It is about an hour and a half drive and its STILL in our area!!!!!! It’s not even the edge of our area apparently. Our area is HUGE. Tracting it would be a pain in the rear to do!!!!!!
  Well I guess we'll head to Q&A Corner:
    Q1. What was the best part of your week?  Any great spiritual moments you would like to share?
     A. The best part of the week was going to Downieville. It was a beautiful drive up and back, but also a little windy (curving road). As for spiritual moments, not much I guess. I'm hoping for more though.
   Q2. How are your investigators and less-actives (lessons/meetings) coming along in the gospel?  What have you learned from them?
    A. We haven't been able to meet with anyone this week. We have two referrals. We're trying to contact them, but the addresses are weird. They are both at a place called “Postnet”; yeah I don’t think they live there.
    Q3.  How are your roommates and Elder Brooks doing?  Is everyone healthy, happy and working hard?
     A. Well yeah. They are all healthy, and happy. Idk, (I don’t know) about the working hard part, but Elder Brooks and I are trying to work hard.
    Q4.  What funny or fun things have happened to you and your companions this week?  What have you studied this week during your personal study time?  I have read lots of great articles in the Church News, would you like us to send you the Church News each week or do you have access to it?
     A. Well, I've been trying, it's been hard lately, for some reason I've been very tired. Sure, I sometimes go on the church website just to see what’s going on, but I would like an Article or two thanks.
      Q5.  Are you keeping up with your journal writing?  Your letters are sort of a journal and I am printing and scrap booking those for you.  There is so much more that I hope you are recording just for yourself.
     A. I have to say it's harder than I thought, but I've been keeping up just fine.
    Q6.  Have you met any great new ward members that help you out often or have you over for dinner?  I know you must miss the Atkin Family.  Have you found a new family who tries to do the same supportive things for you and Elder Brooks?
    A. Yeah, I do miss my second family in Chico a lot. The Russ's are a good couple. They let us come to their place to do our e-mails, do our progress recording and feed us breakfast.  The Stonekings are a younger family with two little girls. It was so much fun my first week we spent our P-day with them at their parents house. We played a fun RPG game a little like Dungeons and Dragons, called “Paranoia”. It was awesome and I found out that the Stonekings also like “Doctor Who”.  How do I know this you ask?  On Wednesday. Sister Stoneking was wearing a Dalek t-shirt that said, “Exterminate” lol!!!! 
  Well. That’s it for Q&A, until next time-… wait I don't think we're done, are we? Um what else? Oh thank you for updating Facebook, my blog and also my missionsite. Yes we got our drain fixed, oh and the new sport for our P-day is now Disc Golf, Whoo hoo, I will send some pictures soon.  I will snail mail you guys as soon as I can. What else?  I guess just keep praying for us to have M.E. (Missionary Experiences). With out further ado,
safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, and Alsons y. Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City, CA signing off. Peace on!!!! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

"The rain came down and the floods came up"

Dear Family, and Friends
    This week was, well a little good except my companion, (Elder Brooks) was sick for most of the week. It’s probably from all that eating out. Before I get ahead of myself, let's go to the Q&A corner.
  1. (For Martin) How do I like my roommates/companions? Are any of them good as Martin?
    A. How should I know? Elder Brooks is a good comp. He is trying his best. As for Elder Knight he is a good guy, as well. He is a little quiet, and very funny at times. *Elder Evan Morris, I think he could be a lost brother/cousin. He is from Draper, Utah. Not far from you guys. As for great with video games, I would have to say Elder Evan Morris is probably great, but I haven't seen him play, and probably never will.
   2. Have you given a talk yet?
   A. Nope, and don't jinx it, Ok. I gave enough talks in Chico to last me my whole mission. Oh crap, I jinxed myself! (*Sad face*)
   3.  Did you get the package with the WJ blanket? Did the sweats or athletic pants fit ok? Is there anything else you need?
    A. Yes I got the package and thank you very much. I love it.  It really gives me a feeling of home, but not the homesick kind. The pants and the jacket fit fine I'm actually wearing them right now, because it’s raining.   We are having “BIG TIME RAIN” today.   Funny story about the rain, but I will get to that later. As for what I need just more letters. Lol. Write letters about the world where you are.  I hear from some members that you guys might have gotten snow, is that true?
    4. Elder Knight is from Utah, Elder Brooks from Tennessee and where is Elder Morris (other one) from? How do you all get along? What good things have you done for each of them this past week?
    A. *For my answer to the first part of the question go to the star in the first paragraph. We are getting along great.  One good thing we used the waffle maker.  We attempted to make breakfast, but it was an epic failure! The batter spilled on the sides and it didn't cook right. (*Sad face again*)
    5. Dad wants to know if you are being obedient and following ALL the mission rules? I know you are and I am sure you feel the rewards of that in your daily life.
    A.  As for the rules, I'm trying my best to follow them. Its been hard. I really need be firm and put my foot down. That is hard for me.
     6.  Leslie wanted to know if you are finding fun and are relaxing a little as well?  Sometimes missionaries need to loosen up and find the fun in the work.
      A. Yeah I'm definitely finding fun. I think too much fun at times.

   Ok time for BYU weekly... wait, I mean Missionary Weekly.
 The top news story, “Apartment pool?” On Friday night I was relaxing on the couch thinking what to do. It was 21:30, only an hour till I have to go to bed. We were done with planning. So I decided to relax a bit with my nice warm and cozy WJ blanket. While I was pondering, I decided to open the door to listen to the rain. As I was opening the door I saw that “the rain came down and the floods came up.” You can probably guess that I was very flummoxed about this.  I got everyone else. We saw that the water outside had risen.  We decided to call maintenance, but at this point it was about 22:15ish and I guess he was asleep. We tried to fix the drain because it was clogged big time. Finally, we got a broom and used it to fix the drain. Well it work a little, so we decided that we would deal with it tomorrow. We saw that the water was coming into the apartment so we grabbed some towels and an old shirt that was left behind by some missionary awhile back. (No one wanted it so we used it to block the water).  Luckily, the next morning, the water went down and we were saved. Halleluiah!!!!!! Now its back.......... we'll see what will happen!!!! Oh and p.s. I don't think I sent a picture of Elder Evan Morris because I don't have one of him. I will get one. So I guess that's life here in Nevada City. I guess that’s it.   Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene’, Alsons y.  Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City signing off.  Peace on!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Elder Morris with Elder Morris??

Dear Family and Friends,
  I hope you all are having a good time cause I know I did this week. It was a little long, but ended great.
  First, this week was Exchanges (Tuesday) with the District Leader.  If you got my e-mail last time, you would laugh. The District leader's name is Elder Morris, as well. We had a good time in his area on Tuesday. It was funny seeing people’s reactions when they see us together. It was fun.
  On Wednesday, we had a district meeting, district lunch that's it.....Oh, and a dinner too.
  On the next day (Thursday), we went out to visit one of our investigators Chris. He wasn't home (sad face) and as we were walking away and a guy called out to us. He said, What’s the message from the Lord today?” For a little bit I thought he was drunk or high or whatever term you can think of.  We shared a message with him and we gave him a Book of Mormon. We challenged him to read it and while we were talking to him he seemed a little more there than I thought. Who knows we might run into him again and teach him more.
  Friday we finally did some weekly planning, well we always did before but we didn't have anyone to work with last time. We only had three people to plan for, so it was quick. This planning session was also short, but we really focused on the people we are now teaching.
  Saturday was a special day. It was a day for a baptism. You fill the font, you say a pray, and feel the holy spirit.  Saturday, I went back to where I was born (trained) and attended a baptism of one of my investigators in Chico. Her name is Corina and she is awesome.  The Baptism went great. My old Companion Elder Kuhlenhoelter and I, were the witnesses. Brother Sorenson Baptized her (Pictures will soon be sent). Then on the way back we discovered a Sonic!" IT'S HAPPY HOUR!!!" I got myself an orange cream slushy. I tried to get my usual (Fanta Orange slush) but they didn't understand, I guess.  It was still way good, mmmmmmm.  Then once we got back home we went to visit Chris. When we did, we met his Girlfriend Stephanie. She seems nice.  She has met with missionaries before, but her brother got in the way before. We'll see what happens now.  They both came to church on Sunday. That was cool too. Chris really got into the lesson in Gospel Doctrine Class. We were talking about Lehi's vision. At the beginning they started to list some of the visions in the Bible and Chris really knew a lot about Peter's vision of the unclean animals. I didn't know that much about that story, so that was cool.
  And now what all of you have been waiting for.  It's Q&A Corner!!!!
   Now we go to the first list of questions from Sister Morris (Mom).
    1. How have you served your Companion this week? Roommates?
      A. I don't know how to answer that we've been doing good together, working the best we can. We are helping Chris and the other people we're teaching. As for my roommates, I don't know either, but somehow at the end of each day we talk about our day and go on till about 11:00pm. Dad did you ever live in a four Elder apartment on your mission? If so, how did you deal with it?  How was it?
    2. Do you have any new investigators? How many lessons did you do this week?    
     A. Yep. Chris's girlfriend and two other referrals are new investigators.  I don't know. We don't total our lessons anymore, but definitely not a lot like in Chico.
    3. Do you ever do missionary open houses?
      A. We did one in Chico. It was good, but it could have been better.
   4. Do you get many letters?
      A. No. I only got yours, Mom.
   5. Cook?
      A. We usually go out to eat. There are a lot of restaurants out here. There is a Mexican restaurant that a member owns called “Pacos Tacos” that feed the missionaries for FREE!!!! Yum!
   Well I guess that's it. I hope all is well with all of you.  I hope to hear from all of you guys soon, really.... come on.  I promise to write you all back.  Well, until next time,
 Safety and peace, God bless, and if you sneeze during this email, bless your face. Requesta de pace. This is Elder Morris in Nevada City, CA signing out!!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Area and New Companion

Dear Family, Friends, and Other People,
   We gather here today to hear me tell you a tale of a land far away in the mountains where missionary work is slow, Nevada City, that’s right, slow. The missionaries before us did “a not so good” job updating the area book, but that’s ok.  I love a challenge. The address at the place I live in now is 304 Sutton way #29, Grass Valley, California 95945.  If you wrote a letter to the previous address I will not get it, unless you wrote it to the mission home. If you want to find the address for the mission home go to the mission blog at For contact info email my mom.  Anyway lets head to Q&A corner for our Q&A updates.
    Thanks Elder Morris.... Today on Q&A corner we have the what’s you address? I believe that was answered in the paragraph above.
    Next we have “What is Elder Brooks like?” The best way to answer that is a little “Apostate” not a lot just a little,  and a little lazy. Well his previous companion was a little “Trunky” ok extremely “Trunky”, and he didn't want to do anything. There is hope we will bring this place back to life.  Elder Brooks is from Nashville, Tennessee.  He loves photography. Just a side note Elder Morris (the other Elder Morris) is a huge Halo Fan, like me. He is an RvB fan as well. There is another Elder too! WHOO HOO I'M NOT ALONE!!
    The new ward is a little different, but I could get use to it.
    Nevada City is amazing. Lots of trees, which reminds me of Idaho.  It’s so nice I feel like I could live up here forever. I got lots of pictures. I'll send some soon and for others just look for it on my mission site.
   Elder Brooks drives but I might have to drive because of exchanges.
   Well, I could use my WJ blanket.  It is cccooold! There should be snow but there isn't.


Monday, January 2, 2012


Hear ye, hear ye, Family and Friends, Brothers and Sister,
    The message I give ye, message, for behold I bring a message, a message both great and saddening, it has come to pass and it has been revealed to me, that I will continue my mission far away, in the Land (Zone) of Auburn and the City of Nevada (Nevada City).
For behold, my companion's name is Elder Brooks. Now it came to pass... I can't do it any more, ok. We got transfers, and I'm going to Nevada City in the Auburn zone. So excited.  I'll miss all my good friends in the Chico 5th Ward and the Chico Zone, but I will go where the Lord wants me to go. I heard it is a beautiful place. Another thing I'M in a CAR!!!!! That could be good or bad, depends.  I leave tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4:00 and might be there around 4:50 perhaps.  I don't know. It’s been great to serve here in the Chico Zone. Good memories. I'm going to miss all the people I'm teaching. Well not teaching anymore. What else can I say?  Oh yeah, lets go to Q&A corner for the news. Bob? Seems like Bob is snoozing.  We'll come back to him next week, I guess. Well this week had lots of ups and downs. Lets look at the Recast:
    12/27/11 - Exchanges.....................  totally nuts. The missionary I was with (a newbie) for the day, made it so difficult. I was in his area and its my job as DLA (District Leaders Assistant) to see how well the missionary does in his area.  Well it didn't go as I thought. He made me make all the decisions.  We did this weird way of tracting, which was totally against the rules. I call it “split tracting” where he takes one side of the street and I take the other. Man it was strange, and uncomfortable. Well at least I don't have to worry about that now.  I did help them find two new investigators though, so not all was bad.

    12/28/11-We had lots of lesson this day. We had a lesson with Donna and talked about the Law of Chastity.  She was "Feeling it, really feeling it".  She committed to follow it and we set a new date for her on January 14th.  She has to quit smoking by today.

   12/29/11 - Exchanges again (Elder K being a District leader has to do a lot of Exchanges), but this one was a good one. I was with Elder Merril, (ZL {Zone Leader}). Good man one of the best. We taught lots of great lessons. We taught Donna (again), Brenda and Megan WOW!!
   12/30/11 - This day was one of the craziest lesson days ever!!!! Had a lesson every HOUR. One of the people we are teaching is Jose. We committed him to be baptized on the 25th of February. We have so many baptisms coming up, two on the 14th of January (Corina and Donna) and two on the 25th of February, (Jerry and Jose).  Pedro and Stephanie are still struggling but they know the Book of Mormon is True. They are having other struggles.

   12/31/11 - nothing but a few more lessons and we had to be in by 6 because of “Chico Crazy Town”.

    Well That’s all except for transfers, so if ANY OF YOU WANT TO WRITE ME A LETTER, I'm writing big so everyone can understand, mail TO THE MISSION OFFICE ADRESS. YOU can GET IT FROM MY FAMILY!!!!!!
    Well time for me to go.  I will continue to write more soon!!!