Monday, October 15, 2012

"Area Blitz"

Hello Family and Friends,
         What a crazy week this has been with missionary work. I guess I have to do the other version of “Missionary Weekly“, again. 

Missionary Weekly

Three baptisms on one day? So, I guess I'll do a baptism update. We now have three baptisms on November 10th. We have Sister F, a 12 year-old boy named Kyle, and Bob.  With Bob, though, it’s unsure because he didn't want to get baptized till after the election and only if Romney wins.  Sister F for sure will be baptized on November 10th.

         An Area Blitz!!!: So one day the Paradise 1st ward Elders came over for lunch and the “Greenie” looked upset.  We asked him what was wrong, and he told us that he had a hard time on his last exchange with the Zone Leaders.  So we gave him a blessing and we decided to cheer him up by “Blitzing” in their area.  It went kind of good except we were bashed on by a JW. We found them two less actives and a potential investigator, so it was all-good.

New Investigator: We picked up a great new investigator. His name is Jon and he is very animated and a fun guy. We definitely see him being baptized soon.

Time for Q&A CORNER!!!!!!

Q1.   How are your investigators?  How many lessons did you teach?  Are you seeing progress with Sister F and all those you are teaching?

A1. They are doing very well. We taught 20 lessons this week. Oh yeah, she loves the Ward and the lessons we teach.

Q2.   You look very tan in your pictures.  Are you tan?  Do you like the sun and weather in California?  How is the weather there?  Is it getting cooler and rainy?  We have had some cooler weather and quite a bit of rain lately.  It should warm back up this week.

A2.  I am a little bit tan. I enjoy the sun a little bit, but it’s really starting to get cooler.  It’s not rainy yet, but soon.

Q3.  What was the best thing that happened this past week?  What was a funny thing that happened this week?  What motivated you or inspired you to work harder this week?  What was the important message at Church this week?

A3. The best thing this past week would probably be doing the “Blitz” in the 1sr ward area.  I don’t know what the funniest thing about this past week was. The thing that motivated me would be the baptisms that are coming up. An important message at Church was a talk about recognizing the answers that the spirit gives me.

Q4.  When is the next transfer?  Are you pretty sure Elder Miller will get transferred?  How do you feel about that?  Do you feel you are ready to be in charge as they say?  We are so proud of all you have done and continue to do.  Stay strong and stay faithful.

A4. Transfers aren’t till the end of this week. I’m a little bit sure that Elder Miller will get transferred, we'll see. I feel ok about his transfer, but we'll see.  I feel a little bit ready to be in “charge”.

Q5.   Is there anything you need?  Do you give out candy on Halloween?  Are there restrictions for you on Halloween?  Can I send you a package of Halloween fun?  That has to be a strange Holiday for Missionaries.  Ha, Ha. 

A5. Not really, just my account info. Maybe we’ll give out candy and it will probably be a P-day. (idk)

Q6.   Do you feel well?  Are you staying healthy?  How about the asthma?  Are you wearing your retainer?  Are you taking a vitamin?  You looked great in your p-day photos.  I’m proud of you for staying fit and strong.  I have got to get busy in that area. 

A6. Yep, I feel good. Yep, I’m staying healthy.  My asthma is fine. I’m not really wearing my retainer. Nope, I don’t take a vitamin right now. I'm doing my best to stay in shape.

Well, I gotta get going, love ya!!!!

Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, الوداع, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci!, zbogom, Nasvidenje, ವಿದಾಯ (Vidāya) अलविदा (Alavidā), pożegnanie, Hwyl fawr, kwaheri,tạm biệt, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a.  Until next time this is Elder Morris in Paradise singing out, Peace on!!!! do do do do do do email.
Check it Out!!!!

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