Monday, June 25, 2012

Christian vs Mormon?

Xin chào gia đình và bạn bè (Vietnamese)
            What a crazy tough week. Let's just say, once Mansell left things
fell through. I'm still waiting for an email from Dad or is he planning on sending me a letter? I hope to hear from him soon, Anyway, “Happy Anniversary” Mom and Dad. I knew that it was coming up this month, but I couldn't remember when it was exactly. I promise I'll remember next time. lol. Wow it's been getting that HOT out there? It's been nice here this week. We were in the 70's-90's. I actually thought that it was a little chilly for a bit. lol.  I'm LOSING MY UTAH SKIN color NOOOoooOOOooo! Ok, enough of my useless drama. Let’s see what “Missionary Weekly” has for us. ........ Wel-__--- to __---_--- Week_--__--... Hold on one sec.*Kick*.... where we see how the Lord's harvest is coming along.    Today, it’s new Transfer and a new Companion. Hear what happens to these two in their first week together. See all this and more on “Missionary Weekly”.

 June 19, 2012 - Good ole Mansell is now heading north to Orland. He will be a
District Leader. I'm going to miss him. Now, we meet my new Companion,
Elder Leone. He was transferred from Granite Bay 2nd Ward. Not much of a transfer since it is just a 4-mile drive from his old area to here.  He was a Zone leader in his last area, so I'm getting the best of the best, especially since he was serving in President's ward. I'm really looking forward to serving with him.

 June 20, 2012 - What a crazy day this was.  We had a lesson with Joy today and it went well. We talked a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. We had Brother Meeks with us and of course we went a little deep, but I think she liked it.  She really understands it when you go deep I guess. Then we had a lesson with a guy named Vince. He's an older man who lost his wife a few months ago, so we took that as an opportunity to share the Plan of Salvation with him.  We met with him before. I don't know if any of my previous emails had any info on him, but we had a good lesson. He said, he wanted to come to church. Sadly though, he didn't show up. So we'll go by and visit him this week.

 June 21, 2012 - This was a sad day for missionary work. We had a lesson scheduled with Dwight. I think I spoke about him in my previous emails.
We went to his house and when he opened the door he had the Book of Mormon in his hand. My first thought was, '”Nice he read it and he's ready today.” Sadly though, my hope was lost when he handed me the book and said, ' I'm a Christian and your a Mormon and I can't convince you to be a Christian and you can't convince me to be a Mormon, but thank you.” I was devastated. After he closed the door I looked down at the Book Of Mormon and wondered, “What changed?” What did he read that changed his mind?" I pondered on it again and again if he didn't want us to visit him why did he give the Book of Mormon back? That night I was praying as hard as I could that God would help me to understand and an impression came to me. I felt that I should return the book. I wrote my testimony in the book and bookmarked a chapter in there that I felt he needed to read. I marked chapter 17 in 3 Nephi and I don't know why, but that's the first page I went to and felt good about it.  On Sunday after Church we went by and I returned it to him and told him, "I felt impressed to give this back to you, and your right we can't convince you, but I feel that I should give this back to you". I pray now that something good will come out of this. Hopefully, some missionaries down the line will teach him and he'll feel the spirit and know the truth.

 June 22, 2012 - Weekly planning today, nothing too special.

 June 23, 2012 - Aw man, today was one of the toughest days yet. We went out and tried to visit people, but nothing today.

 June 24, 2012 – Well, I guess I just explained what I did on Sunday in my Thursday comments. That event really stuck out to me the most this week.

That's it for “Missionary Weekly”. It was a slow start for the new transfer.
Next time we'll see what Elder Morris and Elder Leone make happen, if there is a turn around in store.
(BYU weekly theme)

            Yeah, this week was a tough one. I wish we had done better.  Oh, well live and learn.
            Now lets go to Q & A CORNER!!!!!!

Q1.  How are all your investigators?  How is Joy?  I hope all is moving along the way you want.  Just be confident and brave.  Always share your testimony above all else.

A1. I don't want to talk about it. *See “Missionary Weekly” for more info.

Q2.  How has the weather been?  Are you staying hydrated?  How are you and your companion getting along?  What do you have in common?  What is his favorite treat?  I would like to send you both a care package.

A2. The weather has been nice here this past week. It might get a little warmer soon. Yes, I have stayed hydrated. Elder Leone and I get along just fine. We both like music and love to work. He likes anything chocolate. He's not too picky. He likes everything just like me. lol

Q3.  Did you get letters this week?  Lydia, Aunt Karen and I, all wrote letters.  I was hoping others followed suit.  Did you ever hear from Doug?  People seem so busy in the summer.  They are all always coming and going and all kinds of events going on.

A3. Yes, I did. I got one letter from Uncle Glenn and Aunt Lisa, one from
Crissy, a letter from you and a letter from Lydia.  I also got the birthday letter
from Grandma and Grandpa Morris. It was forwarded from my last area. lol So yeah, they're coming. lol  I might get Aunt Karen's today. I haven’t heard from Doug yet, still waiting. Can't wait.

Q4.  What was the best thing that happened this week?  What was your struggle this week?  What did you learn in your studies this week? What made you feel the spirit this week?  Who inspired or impressed you this week?

A4. The best thing was, knowing I have a companion that is very musically talented. A struggle? Look at *Missionary weekly” for that answer. In my studies I learned more about the dealings of the Holy Ghost and how I can recognize it more in my life. I Definitely felt the spirit when I was giving the Book of Mormon back to Dwight, That whole process really touched me. No one in particular inspired me, mostly Elder Leone. He really helped when I felt I had nothing to do.  He thought of ways to work it out.

Q5.  What fun thing are you going to do today?  Tell us about your companion.  Where is he from?  What are his talents?  What does he like to do?  What is his family like?  Does he get mail and support from home?  Tell us anything else you think is unique about him.

A5. Today we will write letters play some b-ball, go shopping, the usual. Ok, let's see… he's from Louisiana. He played football. He is really good at piano and singing. He's the youngest of three kids. He has two older sisters, who are married. Yes, he does have family support and gets letters, as far as I know. Anything unique? Ask me that later? jk Let’s see, he wants to go into accounting. He was a Zone Leader before this transfer.

Q6.  Is there anything I can send you or do for you that would make your daily activities easier?  I will send you some more music soon. Have you eaten anything new or that you really liked this past week? Do you get invited to dinner often? Are you taking good care of yourself?

A6. Just send music, that's all and anything you see fit. Have I eaten anything new? Well, not really. Yes, we had a full calendar of dinners this month and it has been good. Yes, I am taking good care of myself.

Well that's it for this email. I hope all you readers are enjoying these emails.
Anyone who is reading this, if you have any questions you can either write or email me. I want to hear from you.
            Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci!, zbogom, अलविदा (Alavidā), Hwyl fawr, kwaheri,tạm biệt, sudie, Tot ziens,
elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a.  Until next time this is Elder Morris in Roseville singing out, Peace on!!!!

do do do do dodo dodododo E-mail!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

DLB - (District Leader Buddy)

Helo deulu a ffrindiau (Welsh)

 Oh boy what a week, it was like a whole rollercoaster!!! Oh, before I forget Happy Father's Day (Bigger Font) to all you fathers, grandfathers, Great - Grandfathers, soon to be fathers, husbands, guardians, and so on and so forth....
     When Dad got my card did he look up the scriptures I put on there? Especially the one, 2 Kings 2:23-24? Lol I thought that one was perfect for him as well as the other ones. Poor Arthur though, thank goodness he's doing better. I always worry for him, but I know the
Lord will bless you guys while I'm away, right? And it's a good thing that we have nurses in the ward as well, right?
     Not fair I want to see “Sherlock Holmes”... mostly the new one. lol Hey, dad and me are now the same waist size. lol I check the scale today and before I came here to Roseville, I weighed 213 lbs. NOW I weigh 201 lbs. BOO YA BIKING RULES!!!!! Ok enough Talking with the fam, jk Let’s hit “MISSIONARY WEEKLY”!!!!! ...ZzzZzzzZZ... (ESPN)... zzZZzzzZ... (Doctor Who)... ZZZzzZzzz... (D-Grayman)... ZZZzzzZZZ... (Red vs. Blue)
WAIT...  ok I saw this one before, (Missionary Weekly)
Welcome “Missionary Weekly”, where we see the Lord's harvest in action. Today we see how certain medication help an upset stomach and we see how misunderstandings, along with good research can uncover false doctrine.... all this and more on “Missionary Weekly”.

06/12/12 - A day without planning is not a good day, so we went out and had our last District Meeting, which was Awesome (I'll send pictures soon). Afterwards the whole district went out to Coasta Vida for lunch (which is like Cafe Rio only not as good), then Mansell and I went to have our lesson with Joy. It went well. Sadly though, we didn't have a member with us, which could have helped us, at least with fellowshipping. Mostly in our lesson we just solved or answered her concerns and such. For the rest of the day all of our other lessons canceled. We went visiting until we ran out of people to visit. We spent most of the evening just biking around aimlessly trying to “OYM” people, but no success. Well at least finding, if you compare it to “Preach My Gospel” we were successful. "Your "Success" as a missionary is measured primarily by "your commitment" to find, teach, baptize, and confirm people and to help them become faithful members of the Church who enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost." - PMG pg 10.

06/13/12 – Okay, I can't remember much of most of these days because I don't have my planner with me now, so I'm just going to wing it… or type it, I guess. We had a lesson with Chuck. Chuck is frustrating, that’s for sure. I see what you mean, Dad when you said, that the hardest part of your mission was dealing with people who don’t keep commitments. He doesn't keep any of the commitments we give him and he is just a, what he calls, "A doubting Thomas". Basically he needs proof of all things. He believes the bible basically only because science proves it. So we told him that since things aren't working out we might have to drop him. He said to send the missionaries in September. That's the plan now.

      06/14/12 - Thursday we had a whole bunch of lessons set up and they all fell through, sadly.

      06/15/12 – It was “Crazy Exchange” day. Today we had a third exchange with the district leader. It was because Elder Mansell was invited to leadership training with Elder Simons. We had exchanges and I was with Elder Rasmussen again, in his area. It was a good day. Hot.... well it was in the 100's this whole week, but now it's cooling down.

      06/16/12 – It was the same thing as most days. It was hot today. Oh, I forgot to mention... during this whole week Elder Mansell wasn't feeling well. We spent most of the day inside this week.

      06/17/12 - Transfer Calls!!!!! Elder Mansell and Elder Morris you’re both staying. Ok, that’s what I wish they had said. Mansell is going to Orland in the Chico Zone, to serve as a District Leader. I'm staying here to be DLB, (District Leader Buddy). Our new district leader is going to be here. I will get to go on constant exchanges. Yeah!  My new companion is great though. He was a Zone leader in Rocklin before and now he is a District leader. Now, this place is going to bloom with crazy stuff!! His Name is Elder Leonne.

      That's it for “Missionary Weekly”(BYU Weekly ending theme) "We're halfway there already. The party's almost over what a bummer" P90X … Oh, and President banned the P90x DVDs. No more P90X. So, let’s hit up the Q&A corner now and see what we have.

Q1.  Last time I will bug you about your bike.  Did Brother Tidwell talk to you about your bike?  He was going to also check out your warranty to see if it would cover the new gears?  He says you are comfortable with your bike situation.  He says you are doing well all the way around. I hope so. Let us know if we can help in anyway at all?

A1. No, he didn't yet, but yeah I am more comfortable with my bike now. Like I said before, I was able to shift my gears to a higher setting so now I'm not having too much trouble with it.

Q2.  Did you get your shoes? Lydia has something to send to you and so does Martin. I was hoping that would encourage them to get a letter written.  I still have high hopes. LOL

A2. Yes, I did and I love them!! They are so nice and fit fine!!

Q3.I am anxious to hear about transfers.  Will Elder Mansell get transferred?  Do you think you will be the senior companion?  I am assuming you will stay.  Do you want to stay where you are?  I found some great pictures on google of Roseville, California.  I used one on your facebook page.  It is a fountain with palm trees.  Do you see lots of palm trees where you live?

A3. Mansell got transferred (see Sunday for more info) No, I'm not and I'm still JC. Yeah, I see a few Palm trees here and there. Do you want me to send some pictures of them?

Q4.  What was the best thing that happened this week?  What was the worst thing that happened this week? What made you laugh this week? What made you bite your tongue?  What nice thing did you do for Elder Mansell this week? Who did something surprising for you this week?

A4. The Best thing would be the time I spent with Elder Rasmussen. Don't get me wrong. I love Mansell; he's a great companion. Rasmussen is just a fun guy to hang out with. The Worst? Can I add this to the one with
"What made me bite my tongue?" as well. We just ran into a lot of people that are just frustrating. People who just basically say, “You guys are wrong, but I want to save you”. The whole thing about original sin and faith is all you need. Just AHHHHH!!! It's frustrating. Nice thing I did for Mansell, I started to do a better job at keeping the house clean, does that count? In Church on Sunday, the bishop announced that the YW had a treat for all the fathers. He said, “All that are 18 and older stand”... yeah, 18 and older. I was a little hesitant at first because, well you know, I'm not a father or a husband, but they encouraged us to stand. Yeah!

Q5.  How did your lesson with Joy go this week?  How are all your investigators doing?  Do you teach any inactive families?  What was something new you learned while teaching a lesson?

A5. It went well. They're doing well. Well Matt and his family are a part member family. The wife is a member and so hopefully we can reactivate her and get the rest of the family baptized.

Q6.  What was something fun you did this week?  What is the best part of P-day for you?  Have you heard any new songs or music that really inspired you this week?  Can we send you any new music or books?  I have read a few good articles in the New Era and The Ensign. Should I send copies to you?

A6. Elder Rasmussen and me discussed an idea him and his friend had for a video game. I have to say that was fun. The best part of P-day would be emailing you guys. Have I heard any new music, yes. Have I heard inspiring music, no. Yes, please. I'm still waiting for that new Daniel Beck CD you said you were going to send to me. lol Sure you can send copies of the articles in the New Era. I'll love that.

Q7. Do you need any addresses or email addresses?  I am sure I can find whatever you might need?  Did you hear from Doug Oman yet? He said he was going to write you.

A7. Oohh, a bonus question, my lucky day!!!! Not really, at least not that I know of. I'll let you know. Doug? Not yet I'm hoping though. CAN'T WAIT!!!!

      Knuckles aching, thank goodness, oh to answer your question mom about the finger-snapping trick, you put your middle finger and your thumb together and you relax your pointer and you shake it up and down. It makes a snapping sound. It took me four days to get it down, but be careful it can mess up your hand. We visited a chiropractor today for Mansell to get re-adjusted and me too. lol, We've been doing this since I got here and he fixed my ankles. Well made them better and gave me some in-soles for my shoes to help me and did the usual stuff. I feel so much better, and he does it free of charge except for the in-soles. I'm planning on paying that today or next week. Oh, and once you get the finger snapping thing its hard to stop. lol Trying to think of the other questions you have, (pause) Ok,
I can't think of anymore. Well, its that time of day. Sing it people!!!!!!
   Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci! zbogom, अलविदा (Alavidā), Hwyl fawr, kwaheri, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a.
Until next time this is Elder Morris in Roseville singing out, Peace on!!!! do do do do dodo dodododo email!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

10 Month Mark

नमस्कार परिवार और दोस्तों (Namaskāra parivāra aura dōstōṁ) (Hindi)
     Man, finally a relaxing P-day where I can take a little more time with my emails and actually make sense when I type. Ahhhhh... So yeah, this was a crazy fast week this week. Oh, just a little fun fact, the average number of miles I bike in a day is between 15 and 23 miles a day. Thought it would be a little fun fact to share.  Anyway, let’s head to “Missionary Weekly” and get that out of the way so I can actually answer some of your questions from Q&A corner.
(BYU Weekly theme (cut) Vocal Point style)
Welcome to Missionary Weekly where we follow God's Army in the field. Today we head back to Roseville, California and see how Elder Morris and Elder Mansell are doing preparing others to come unto Christ.
       06/05/12 - So like I said in the last email we had to take a half P-day because we went to the temple. I said in the last email that I would talk a little more about the people we're teaching. So, today we had a lesson with Joy. She is 79 years old, but really looks like she's in her mid 60's. She is originally from London England. Her husband past away a while ago. She lost two of her sons as well. A ward member, who lives across the street from her, referred us to her. We went over there and shared the restoration briefly and asked if she would like us to come by sometime and share more. She said yes and so we did. For our past two lessons we taught more about the restoration. Next time we are going to share the Plan of Salvation.
       06/06/12 - Finally I got my bike fixed. Kind of fixed. We went to the bike shop and they told me that the axle on my back tire was broken, so they had to replace the whole tire. It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. It was only 39.99. As for the gear shifter, I either have to replace it or... replace it. There is no fixing it. Also while I was there I got a bigger and better pump for my bike. It was only about 30.00. It was on sale, so I got it.
Then after lunch we went to visit a few potentials, which just turned into one visit. His name is Dwight. We visited him a couple of days ago and he just got home from the hospital that night and we gave him a blessing. Yeah, that guy from week two in Roseville. He's doing a lot better. He now has a cast on his leg because apparently his foot was broken as well. Other than that he's doing well. We shared with him about The Book of Mormon and committed him to read and pray about it. We set another appointment for the very next day. One of the most interesting things for me was that he wanted to say the prayer. In the prayer he said "Lord please help me to have an open mind and heart as I study this book and please bless these young men that they'll be safe as they travel, for they do have God with them." Ok that wasn't word for word but that's what he basically said. That's something that made me smile.
       06/07/12 - This was one of those days that we really bounced around just a lesson after a lesson. We had a lesson with this woman named Mara. Mara is one of those that you call an "Eternigator", meaning she's been meeting with the missionaries for a long time and has been making very little progress, but now I think it might be different. We'll see how that goes. The lesson of course didn't go as planned, but we did establish good fellowship with the member we brought with us. Basically we were talking about how the world is very wicked and how she recognized it. We then told her that she is feeling the spirit. Then after that we hurried to Dwight’s house. Once we pulled up, Mansell noticed a letter on the door. It was addressed to us saying, "To missionary friends - Sorry I forgot that I had a doctors appointment today, let's meet next Thursday." So on that "note" we decided to break for lunch.
       06/08/12 – Exchanges today. Elder Simons and I were in my area. Yeah, so I wasn't excited for this day, but as the Lord answers prayers I was at ease and calm. We planned out the day well. He had a meeting in the morning we had to go to. We went and left around noon with the ZLs and somehow (Wink wink) we ended up at a Mongolian BBQ place for lunch. It was good and all except, after we came home... Elder Simons wasn't feeling too good. We just crashed for the rest of the day.
       06/09/12 – Visiting, not much. Strangely enough that’s what happens most Saturdays.
       06/10/12 - 10 MONTH MARK!!!! HOORAH!!!! So yeah church was good. The talks were on “Being My Brother’s Keeper” and “Come What May and Love It”.
That's it for “Missionary Weekly”. Join us next time for “Transfer Week”, to see who will stay and who will go.
(BYU Weekly end theme)
Man I just love writing emails, don't you? Now lets hit up the 2nd best Game show around, “Q&A Corner”... (Vocal Point - "Game Day")

Q1.  What was the best part of your week? What was the worst part of your week? What made you stop and think? What made you feel good about yourself? What made you laugh out loud?

A1.  The Best part would be the lesson with Dwight. The worst would probably be the wind we had on Saturday. It was so bad that a couple of trees split in half and a bunch of debris flew in our faces. Yesterday night bugs kept flying in my face as I was biking. Look up D&C 128 and apply it to my journal writing and the power of sealing. What made me feel good about myself was that now I can do the finger snap thing. I can do the finger snapping trick and that made me laugh out loud!

Q2.  How are all your investigators? Any surprise visits to church this past Sunday? Did anything really great happen during a lesson? What was the talk about in Sacrament Meeting? (I’m just checking to see if you are staying awake in church)

A2. *For more info on this answer please go to “Missionary weekly”.

Q3.  Did you get your bike fixed? Did you get your camera cord back? Have you taken any new pictures lately? How do you like your new apartment? What did you do last P-day and what are the plans for today?

A3.  Yes. Yes. Yes and Yes... Wait... Oh I love our apartment. Today we went shopping... Did weekly planning... not much today, just relaxing.

Q4.  Did you learn anything new about Elder Mansell?  Did you learn anything new about you this week? Did you get any letters from friends or family this week? Do you know your neighbors? Tell us about someone in your ward and someone in your apartment complex.

A4. (Mansell) I learned that sometimes it good to be bold with some people. Prayer is a very valuable tool in life. Nope, I got no mail... at all. Are people who send the letters to the mission home putting "Elder Nathaniel Morris" or "Elder Morris"? I probably won't get any if it's addressed to Elder Morris because there are two of us out here until October. Well, I don’t know a lot about our neighbors. There is a nice older lady, who lives below us. There is a young female college student, who lives next door to us. Nobody lives across from us. Let's see there is an awesome guy named Brother Meeks who loves deep doctrine and likes to share the scriptures and knowledge with us a lot. Compared to all the deep doctrine people I’ve met he is different from all of them. He definitely has a strong spirit with him, even though he does have some faults. He is an awesome guy. I keep telling him that he should take classes at seminary and institute. lol.

Q5.  Did you eat anything new this week? Did you see anything wild and interesting this week? Are you getting sleep, exercise, and do something fun or find time to draw?  Do you want me to send you basketball shoes? Is size 9 the right size? I will put them in the mail ASAP if you want me to.

A5.  Just the Mongolian BBQ was sort of new. The wind taking out trees was wild. Sleep? Yeah. Exercise? Yeah. Something fun? Yeah. Drawing? No. I will probably draw some today, though. lol. Yes, please and yes size 9.

Q6.  Is there something fun you would like? Is the routine getting easier? What have you learned in your studies this week? Did anyone inspire you this week? Please know you inspire me everyday.

A6.  A BYU lanyard would be cool and just some, oh I don't know, some letters, random pictures and all that jazz. Yeah, it’s getting easier. I'm in the Isaiah chapters now, in the Book of Mormon, There’s not much I
can say about that, now. No one in particular inspires me, but just everyone. Mostly Brother Meeks and Elder Mansell.

That's it for Q&A Corner (Da da da da da)
(Sports Center ESPN)
     Man, emails, I hate it but I love it. They are so much easier than writing letters. Lol. Well, I hope that's all I need to write so we'll go on and pull the parade in.

       Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci! zbogom, अलविदा (Alavidā), kwaheri, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a. Until next time this is Elder Morris in Roseville singing out, Peace on!!!! do do do do dodo dodododo email!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Temple Visit, Short P-Day

હેલો કુટુંબ અને મિત્રો (Hēlō kuṭumba anē mitrō) (Gujarati)
     I apologize again for not emailing sooner. We have just been ubber busy. It will all be explained in today’s “Missionary Weekly”. I'm so glad you guys got my letters. I really hope you write soon (Martin and Lydia). Martin that's cool you're going to work for Dad too. Hopefully you'll be able to make a little dough.
My week has been pretty busy. Let's hit up “Missionary Weekly” and see what happened this week.
(Missionary/BYU weekly theme)
  Welcome back to Missionary Weekly where we check out God's army in the field. Today, we head to Roseville to see what’s heating up there, and one of life’s most precious times for all members of the church, all this and more on “Missionary Weekly”.
May 29, 2012 - Zone Conference, a special time to receive revelation on how we can do better in building the Lord's Kingdom on Earth. Today the Mission President shared with us how to make tracting more
Effective. The more effective way is what Elder Mansell and I call "Prayer Tracting".  This is where we go out and ask people we meet if we can pray with them. So far Mansell and me have been too busy, oddly enough, to do any of that type of tracting. Eventually we'll get to it. We were also told to use in our lessons.
May 30, 2012 - We had a lesson with Joy this day. Our lesson went well and the member we had with us was great except, he took most of the time and went a tad to deep. Other than that, we perked her interest. I won't get into the lesson we taught today, that's for next week.
May 31, 2012 - This day was mostly filled with just visiting. Dinner was just crazy. We got there around 6:00 and somehow we got stuck there for 3 hours. The members we were with invited other members to come by and, oh man, we talked it up. I guess you could say we had a party. lol It wasn’t an actual party but we just got stuck talking all night.
June 1, 2012 - Man the summers get hotter and hotter. Today was the hottest day yet. It was SO humid that once we left the apartment we were already starting to sweat. We didn't do much tracting this day. We did go to the Temple today, my excuse for not e-mailing on Monday. We had nothing to do and so we decided to go to the temple with the 9th ward Elders. I found out that Elder Buhler was coming down as well to drop off my suit coats and other stuff and go to the Temple as well. So that's what we did. The sacrifice for it was that we had to cut our P-day a little short. Yeah, that's why we didn't e-mail on Monday.
June 2, 2012 - Same story as the other days. Hot, hot and hot
June 3, 2012 - Church went well. It was weird at first wearing the JC Penny suit coat you sent a while ago. It's now, HUGE on me but the Men's Warehouse suit coat works fine. lol

And that's all for this week’s “Missionary weekly”.

Oh man, I'm glad you save these Mom because I don't think I would ever type a novel like this again, after my mission. *Sigh* Ok, lets change the channel to Q&A Corner.
(Jeopardy theme)
Welcome to Q&A Corner.
Q1. How have the lessons been this week?  How is Brian? How is Joy? Tell us about more of your investigators. Have you had any success while tracting?  Do you talk to people you meet on your daily tasks, like shopping and things like that?

A1. They've been good that's all I can say. Brian we're trying to talk to him today to see what's up? Joy is doing well, too. She seems to be softening up a little as we visit her. I haven't been tracting much, most of the time we visit referrals.

Q2.  What is the weather like in Roseville?  Is it getting hot? Do you use the hydration system?  Is it too much to pack with you? Are you getting better at your bike?  Is your rear end less sore now?

A2. HOT!!!!!! Yes I do use the hydration system, thank you for it. Nah, It’s not too hard to carry because I managed to fix it to my other Backpack. Oh, my rear end was sore for the first two weeks, but now it’s better!!!

Q3.  How is the healthy life style coming along?  Did you get vitamins, are you drinking plenty of water, eating good food, and staying on a physical exercise routine?  How are you and Elder Mansell feeling emotionally and spiritually?  Stay strong in all areas of your life. We need you and so do all those people in Roseville who are waiting to hear the gospel.

A3. We I did what you said and got some chewable vitamin C and I've been doing some speed walking on the tread mill. I'm doing fine I could always do better though, right?

Q4.  What was the best thing that happened to you this week?  What was the worst thing that happened this week?  Who inspired or influenced you this week?  What was something you learned from your scripture reading this week?  What made you laugh out loud this week?

A4. The Best thing would be going to the temple and seeing one of the members from my last ward take out his endowments for the first time. President Weston inspired me because of the new tracting method. I learned in the scriptures that when the Prophet tells you to do something to do it or you’d be smitten with a lot of Plagues (Exodus 1-20). Nothing really made me laugh yet!!!! I had a few snickers here and there not anything too Humorous happened.

Q5.  What did you do just for yourself this week?  What did you do for Elder Mansell this week?  What is the best part of your daily routine or something that you just have to do each day?  What is your favorite song or singer this week?  Do you practice singing so you can keep that talent toned?

A5. I didn’t do anything for myself, really. I just get food to eat. I'm not sure what I did for Elder Mansell? I made some rice for the both of us. Sleep is the thing I just have to do, I guess. jk Umm, let's see actually studying and not falling asleep. My favorite music is “Come Thou Fount” by Jerico Road. I try to sing. I've kind of been singing while we're biking, to help with the breathing.

Q6.  Who would you like a letter from the most?  Who can I encourage to write to you or kick in the butt to get them emailing or writing to you?  I promise I will share your request and get you a letter from anyone who you want to hear from.  Many people ask about you and want to know what you are doing.  People are just so busy with life they don't take the time to write when they are thinking about you.

A6. Who? Let's try everyone! lol Starting with Doug, A.J., Steve Rowzee(Whose on a mission now), The Dransfields’ and just everyone please. I want mail, {Sad Face}. I just want to hear from everyone even if it’s just a paragraph.

It sounds interesting to be a writer or a columnist or something I don't know. I'm going to have to think about that. I've been trying to keep up with my sketches but I haven’t had time to do any. Someday soon I guess. Well that's all for emails today.  You know the tune...

Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見(Zàijiàn), Arrivederci!, zbogom, kwaheri, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a. Until next time this is Elder Morris, in Roseville singing out, Peace on!!!! do do do do dodo dodododo email!!!