Wednesday, May 4, 2011

............ Call to serve him, Heavenly King of Glory.......

Safety and Peace, Friends, Family, and the people of the world, today was a special day....... no it's not my birthday that's in 8 more days ha ha ha... it the day I got my call (THe cAlL, THE Call).... is there an echo in here? But yes this is the day I got my call I was called to.......................................... wait for it.................  ROSEVILLE, CALIFORNIA MISSION.................... That's right I'm going back to California, if only I could show my excitement online in words.......... like how Strong Bad does............ I know I will post the video on here so everyone can feel what I feel... so any of you readers out that live in Roseville, California and northern California, I'll be seeing you..... So until next time Safety and Peace, and God Bless.

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