Thursday, May 19, 2011

If you had a birthday shout hooray......... HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!

Safety and peace friends and family, on May 12th, was the day I was born, that was 19 years ago it's amazing how time fly's when you're about to go on a mission, it feels like yesterday when I first started school....... actually more like 14 years ha ha ha... but still time moves and no one can stop it.... So its best if you keep moving or you will be left behind.  Remember Heavenly Father loves all of dearly I know this to be true, I know that the Gospel is also true and I'm Honored to serve the Lord and bring them to the truth, and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1 comment:

  1. Well Elder Nate, we are so proud of your choice to serve the Lord as a missionary to Roseville, CA. I guessed Canada and Aunt Liese said Spain but we are so glad you are staying in the STATES. We love you and your family so much! Look forward to you getting your Endowments. When do you report to the MTC? Love you, Uncle Glenn and Aunt Liese
