Friday, April 29, 2011

...........Ent.>UPDATE....................Fil.> Mission.....

Safety and Peace family and friends, here is an update about my mission call..... I was called to.......... some place that I still don't know, the call still hasn't come yet and its more nerve wrecking than ever, but it's not as bad as I thought, since the last post me, my family, and some of my friends (you know who you are) are doing a contest of where I'm going on my mission, so far we have 78 guesses WOW that's a lot most of them are in Texas, the weird thing is that's where my Dad served, The Hosten Texas mission, and if any of you know him and want to say hi just write in the comment box below. Anyways if you want to guess just for fun just put your guess in the comment box, I hope you're all having a great spring, until next time Safety and Peace, and God bless.

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