Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Confrence report...... kinda..... Papers summited........... yes......

Safety and Peace my friends and family. This saturday and sunday was General Confrence and what a great confrence it was, I hope you all enjoyed it as I have, I didn't sleep at all A New RECORD WHOO HOO!!!.... any ways I'm gonna share a part of what I learned in confrence (I was going to do this a little sooner but my internet is not very good...). In the first and second session I learned that family is very important to God's plan and that we should learn to love one another even if things go south. In Preisthood session I learned about how important the priesthood is and how missionary work is very important to the world, to spread the gospel to every kindre and tounge. In the last two sessions I learned fasting is a way of showing faith to our Heavenly Father. If you want to know more about the talks in General Confrence look it up in this coming Ensign and Liahona. As for my life I summited my papers in (yesssssssss) and now all I have to do is wait........ and get an interview with my Stake President............ and recieve my Endowments............and more waiting.........yay........ until next time Safety and Peace.

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