Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo... $0..... Wisdom Teeth.... $450..... Accepting the call.... Priceless

Safety and Peace be upon you........ ok that phrase is starting to be over done..... any way all is well here right now I'm working on the last few things for my papers, my photo. Today I'm at my Dad's school to take my picture in front of the GREEN SCREEN....... I said the GREEN SCREEN..... thank you.... as I was saying I'm at my dad's school to get my picture taken, and tomorrow I'm going to the dentist to get three things done... My wisdom teeth (you would think that the Word of Wisdom would talk a little bit about wisdom teeth ha ha ha...) fix my retainer and get three tiny weeny cavities filled, usually the dentist will wait till my cavities are a bit bigger then fill them but if I leave then the cavities will just rot my teeth a way...... well that's all that going on in my life before a mission up to now...... oh and I'm now in 3 Nephi 12 my favorite part in the Book of Mormon, the visit from Jesus Christ. When ever I read these chapters I always feel like I'm there watching and listening to his teachings and I know he did visit the Nephites and the Lamanites and taught them, I know this church is true and I know Thomas S. Monson is the true Prophet of the church, I hope to be a great missionary and bring people closer to Christ, and I say these this in the name of our savior Jesus Christ amen.

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