Friday, December 14, 2012

"Bars and Baptism?"

Hello Family and Friends!!!                                12/10/12
Man what an amazing week!!!! We have big News!!!!! Jon Milward!!! Is going to be baptized on December 29th!!!! YEAH!!!! It's an amazing story on how he got his confirmation.... at a bar!!! Lol  He was talking to someone at the bar and the subject of religion came up and boom, he wants to be baptized!!!!
Man I'm all jumpy about it!!!

 Well I guess I'll go to Q & A Corner!!!!

Q1.  Have you put up your Christmas Decorations?  Do you still have your little tree from last year?  Do you have some Christmas CDs?  Music is really the key to feeling the Christmas Spirit.

A1.  A few of them, the tree, the calendar and that's pretty much all. Yeah, I have a few CDs, but not a lot.  

Q2.  How is the weather?  I heard you had tons of rain.  I hope it isn't too bad.  Do you still have a car?  Are you using your coat? Do you need any other winter clothing?

A2.  It rained a bit, but now its Sunny today!!!! Yes, thank goodness I’m still in a car area. I hope I never have to bike up here. Yeah, I’m wearing my coat.  No, I don’t really need any winter clothing.

Q3.   Grandma was asking if you have had any experiences that involved dogs?  Rebekah has had some bad experiences with dogs in El Salvador.  I know you had mentioned one of the homes you visited had dogs.  I’m just curious if Missionaries feel about dogs like mail carriers do? lol

A3.  If you count cuddling with members dogs then yeah, but other than that, dogs aren’t really a problem. Missionaries just have to be faster than their companion. lol

Q4.   How are all your investigators?  How is Kyle and Jon doing?  Have you had any commit to Baptism yet?  Did any show up to Church yesterday?

A4.  They are well. Kyle, we're still been having trouble with him. John is getting baptized in December, Yes!

Q5.   What was the best thing about this past week?  Did anything happen or did you hear anything that truly motivated you this past week?  How many lessons did you teach this past week?  How is Elder Miller doing?  Is he getting any renewed enthusiasm or motivation?  What can we do to help both of you feel energized and motivated?

A5.   The Baptism announcement really made my day.  Nothing really motivated me, just the baptismal announcement. We taught 21 lessons.  Elder Miller is doing well and we’re good now.  Little by little he seems to be getting more motivated.  There is nothing you can do really, but just say a lot of prayers.

 Q6.  Are you getting lots of dinner invitations?  Have you had any new foods lately?  Do you have a Costa Vida in Paradise?  We still haven't been there to eat, but it is on our "to do list".  

A6.  Oh yeah, a LOT!!! We have had a few new foods, but not that I can name off the top of my head. No, we don’t, but I wish, I wish we had a Costa Vida.  You had better try it.

 Well that's all I have to say for this letter.
Love ya all!!!!
Elder Morris

Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, الوداع, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci!, zbogom, Nasvidenje, ವಿದಾಯ (Vidāya) अलविदा (Alavidā), pożegnanie, Hwyl fawr, kwaheri,tạm biệt, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a, Until next time this is Elder Morris in Paradise singing out, Peace on!!!!do do do do do do E-mail

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