Monday, November 21, 2011

New Companion

November 21,2011
Dear Family and Friends,
    First, I want to say thank you mom for sending me my suit coat.  I hope all is well with all of you. It has been a crazy, fun week for me. Also been a little slow.

     It's been a great week, but sadly I forgot to bring my planner to help remind me of the things I did but I will try my best. This week we had a zone conference in Anderson. It was awesome. When we got there we found out that we were suppose to prepare talks, all of us. The Zone Leaders forgot to tell us, so we were a little worried, well not really. When they got up there to announce the speakers I was thinking in my head "please don't pick me, please don't pick me!"  When he said, Elder Arnett and Elder Paramore, I was relieved. But my Companion wasn't so relieved. During the other talks Elder Arnett quickly wrote down his talk.  It was the best talk ever given (In my opinion). It was great, and then we had a great lunch and then had a great time listening to President Weston. Then they had some supplies for us for our apartment. Our blender seems like it’s going to die so I got another one. Yeah, more banana smoothies for breakfast.
    Later this week we taught a lot. It was better this week than last week for lessons. That's all I have for now. I wish I could write more but it is hard to remember all I want to tell you.  I am sad.... but still look forward to this transfer.  Elder Arnett is going down to Roseville to be a Zone Leader, Sweet! He will be awesome and I'm still here in Chico. So, no change for me this time, I like that.  My next companion's name is (pardon me if I misspell it), Elder Colonhustser.  I think that’s it, I’m not too sure. That was my week. More info will come soon,
   I love you all and miss you all, Safety and Peace and God bless. If you sneeze during this E-mail bless your face, and Peace on. This is Elder Morris from Chico, CA Signing Out !!!!!

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