Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Go where I send thee"

Safety and peace my friends, lot of people ask me this question....."What's you favorite kind of cheese?" and I say does it mater........... Then they ask "Where do you want to go on a mission?" and that is what this post is about. For a while I pondered that question and I came up with if "If I went out of the states I would like to go to Vatican city or Veince, Italy or Scotland/United Kingdom. In the states I would like to go to Seattle, Washington or Washington DC. I haven't thought much about going in the states but that's where I'm going to be since I know ASL. But I wouldn't mind I will go and do the things the lord commands me to do, if its out of the states I will go to the work. Thank you for reading...... if anyone is reading this........ until next time Safety and Peace be upon you...


  1. So who am I? Chopped liver? Happy Thanksgiving! Love to you and all the family. Love and prayers my nephew. We are safe and at peace! We have our son Jacob (your cousin) and his wife Liz here today

  2. Many apologies for not replying and time sooner I'm guessing they're not there anymore.... I'm glad you are doing well and are at peace especially in this holiday season may you and your family have a very merry Christmas!!!
