Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dad's Birthday!!!!!!

Safety and Peace my friends, today is my Dad's awesome birthday he turns............. um he turns........... um oh yeah he turns 48 today HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!! and in other news it snowed in northern Utah every year (in Utah that I know of) it gets colder and colder, and snows more and more sooner. It's crazy!!! That's all I have to say today until tomorrow Safety and Peace be upon you my friends.


  1. Hey Nephew Nate aka Naterade!
    We are safe and are at peace. Cool blog, love the wallpaper and especially following your missionary goals. Seems like just yesterday that we were shootin' hoops at the family reunion. We're proud of you and look forward to following you on your adventure. Love and prayers my friend. Tell your Dad, Happy 47th Birthday from us. I just had my 48th. Uncle Glenn and Aunt Liese

  2. Hey Uncle Glen and Aunt Liese,
    Thank you for the comment and HaPpY bIrThDaY to you too, it's great to hear from you I hope you guys are enjoying my blog and I hope grandma does better too, how's your family doing? I really miss playing ball with you guys, hope to see you soon. Safety and Peace,
    Nate (Naterade) Morris
