Monday, January 7, 2013

Q&A Corner

Hello Family and Friends,                            1/7/13

 Ok, Today will be a quick one so we will head to Q&A Corner!!!!!

 Q1.   How many lessons this week?  Did you have any break thru investigators attend Church?  What was the personal message for you at Church on Sunday?  I decided I need to work on the "Essentials" like reading my scriptures daily!

A1.  We taught about 19 or 20... .one of the two. No new investigators at Church as of yet, but things will soon turn up and boom!!!! A lot of people shared their testimonies dedicated to us, funny enough.

Q2.   What has the weather been like in California?  It has been COOOOLD here.  Today, it was 17 and that was warm compared to the past week.  We had indoor days all week at school.  You know how kids are they don't wear coats and sometimes not even jackets!  Hope you are staying warm and healthy.  How are you both feeling?

A2.  Pretty Sunny, and Pretty. Lol It was warm too. Yeah, we've been well.

Q3.   Martin wants to know what is the most important thing he needs to know to prepare for a mission?  He got a mini Preach My Gospel for Christmas.  What can he do now to help him be more ready to serve a mission?  I think the new curriculum for Youth is going to make a big difference.  They have to rely on the spirit much more than they ever did before.

A3. Work on study habits, prayer habits, strict obedience and always look for the good in everyone. Relying on the spirit is definitely the most important thing to learn.

Q4.   What was the best part of this past week?  What was the biggest struggle or trial this past week?  What did you find the most joy in or that made you smile?  Who touched you this week and inspired you?  Who was your personal hero this week?

A4. Best part was going to Church. Worst part of this week was getting called “lazy”. lol.  Hanging out with John Millward and his family was fun and made me smile. The members inspired me especially John's dad. John Millward was definitely my hero this week.

Q5.   What are you going to do today?  What do you do that you feel is fun and relaxing too?  What is Elder Miller's favorite down time activity?  What is an interest that you both share?  Do you have to compromise sometimes when it comes to p-day activities?  What did you do to serve Elder Miller this week?  Did he do something extra nice for you?

A5.  Today we are just hanging out.  I enjoy reading my scriptures, playing basketball, playing disc golf, and Clue.  Elder Miller likes sleep and writing letters. We both like “Halo”, knives, fishing, girls, and working out. Yes,  sometimes we have to compromise since there isn’t a lot of time. We served each other by cleaning the apartment. Yeah... he helped that’s what he did nice for me.  lol  Just kidding, let's see he gave me a remote control helicopter.

         That all folks for this week.... bye 

Safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face ગુડબાય (Guḍabāya), baik, Undang Auf Wiedersehen! Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, الوداع, Alsons y, bonum devium, 再見 (Zàijiàn), Arrivederci!, zbogom, Nasvidenje, ವಿದಾಯ (Vidāya) अलविदा (Alavidā), pożegnanie, Hwyl fawr, kwaheri,tạm biệt, sudie, Tot ziens, elveda, smell ya later, Noice, Nofo a, Until next time this is Elder Morris in Paradise singing out, Peace on!!!! Do do do do do do email.

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