Dear Family,
I hope all is well with all of you. Things here have been very slow lately, but lots of work getting done. Lately we've been compiling our former investigators, less actives, members, and potential investigator list, arranging the list into street names. Now when we visit them we don't have to drive to one part of the city and back to the other end. It is more organized, WHOO HOO, but one problem, it is taking a long time. It has taken like three days, but we're almost done. YES!!!! It's crazy to see how many less actives there are. A TON!!!! The number is just crazy. Recently, just two days ago, we had a dinner in Downieville. Downieville is a loooooooooooong, and I mean a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG drive. It is about an hour and a half drive and its STILL in our area!!!!!! It’s not even the edge of our area apparently. Our area is HUGE. Tracting it would be a pain in the rear to do!!!!!!
Well I guess we'll head to Q&A Corner:
Q1. What was the best part of your week? Any great spiritual moments you would like to share?
A. The best part of the week was going to Downieville. It was a beautiful drive up and back, but also a little windy (curving road). As for spiritual moments, not much I guess. I'm hoping for more though.
Q2. How are your investigators and less-actives (lessons/meetings) coming along in the gospel? What have you learned from them?
A. We haven't been able to meet with anyone this week. We have two referrals. We're trying to contact them, but the addresses are weird. They are both at a place called “Postnet”; yeah I don’t think they live there.
Q3. How are your roommates and Elder Brooks doing? Is everyone healthy, happy and working hard?
A. Well yeah. They are all healthy, and happy. Idk, (I don’t know) about the working hard part, but Elder Brooks and I are trying to work hard.
Q4. What funny or fun things have happened to you and your companions this week? What have you studied this week during your personal study time? I have read lots of great articles in the Church News, would you like us to send you the Church News each week or do you have access to it?
A. Well, I've been trying, it's been hard lately, for some reason I've been very tired. Sure, I sometimes go on the church website just to see what’s going on, but I would like an Article or two thanks.
Q5. Are you keeping up with your journal writing? Your letters are sort of a journal and I am printing and scrap booking those for you. There is so much more that I hope you are recording just for yourself.
A. I have to say it's harder than I thought, but I've been keeping up just fine.
Q6. Have you met any great new ward members that help you out often or have you over for dinner? I know you must miss the Atkin Family. Have you found a new family who tries to do the same supportive things for you and Elder Brooks?
A. Yeah, I do miss my second family in Chico a lot. The Russ's are a good couple. They let us come to their place to do our e-mails, do our progress recording and feed us breakfast. The Stonekings are a younger family with two little girls. It was so much fun my first week we spent our P-day with them at their parents house. We played a fun RPG game a little like Dungeons and Dragons, called “Paranoia”. It was awesome and I found out that the Stonekings also like “Doctor Who”. How do I know this you ask? On Wednesday. Sister Stoneking was wearing a Dalek t-shirt that said, “Exterminate” lol!!!!
Well. That’s it for Q&A, until next time-… wait I don't think we're done, are we? Um what else? Oh thank you for updating Facebook, my blog and also my missionsite. Yes we got our drain fixed, oh and the new sport for our P-day is now Disc Golf, Whoo hoo, I will send some pictures soon. I will snail mail you guys as soon as I can. What else? I guess just keep praying for us to have M.E. (Missionary Experiences). With out further ado,
safety and peace, God bless and if you sneeze during this email bless your face. Requesta de pache (rest in peace), Molto Bene, and Alsons y. Until next time this is Elder Morris in Nevada City, CA signing off. Peace on!!!!
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