Monday, December 19, 2011

Skype for Christmas

Hey Family and Friends,
    Oh wow sorry everyone for not sending out cards yet or snail mail... We've been hecka busy this week and today is a half P-day.  I don't think I'll be able to get all the things I want done.  Like sending Christmas cards and Big Christmas cards. We may not even have time to get food, :( aw man.  I guess since Christmas is coming up we deserve it. Anyhow, enough of my murmuring and complaining lets turn the time over to Q&A corner.
    1. Pedro, Stephanie and Donna, her friend, are doing awesome right now. We are doing some hard-core lessons with her since she's also getting baptized on the 31st of this month. Maybe another one but I won't get into that right now. We also have a baptism on January 21st for a 17 year-old girl. It is awesome. She has been going through a hard time with her family and has been looking for something in life.
    2. No, I haven't got the package yet. I am getting it today. I would have gotten it Friday but we were all out doing work,
    3. Elder K (Elder Kuhlenhoelter) is a District Leader and no we don't get a car. :( I wish every day for a car, but biking is good.
    4. I recently found out that we will be able to SKYPE home this year sooooooo.......... GET SOMEONE THAT HAS GOOD INTERNET OR GET SOME!!!!!!! ; p 
    Mom if you’re online now please email directly once you get this Email. PLEASE!

  This week Elder K and I went down to Lincoln for a baptism on Saturday. The person getting baptized was someone Elder K taught and requested him to baptize her. We went down (an hour and a half drive) and Elder K baptized her. It was awesome.

   Man its been a tough week. I really hope things get better or even busier. lol We did have to drop a few people though, but I'm excited for all the people that we're teaching. I love this job (at least teaching a lot of people and hanging with the members). I would never give it up. :D  I really love this season.  I hope all who are in the sound of my voice... or at least the sight of my E-mail are really having a very Merry Christmas and a Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!


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