Monday, November 28, 2011

Elder Morris' Q&A Corner

Hey-O, Family and Friends,
    I got the package today. Thanks a bunch.  I really needed a new suit coat, its awesome. I have yet to try it on, but I'm sure it fits fine.  Now without further adooooo it time for, "The Elder Morris Q&A corner!!!!!!"
   1. Yes, Mom I got the package. :)
   2. My new Companions name is Elder Kuhlenhoelter its German, but he's from Evansville, Indiana. He's really cool, a little quiet, and reminds me of myself a little bit. He went to BYU and studied Philosophy and wants to do Law School when he gets back.  He's been out for 4 1/2 months, and now he is the new District Leader so he has a lot more responsibility.  He'll do great.
   3. Yeah, I wear my winter coat only when it rains hard.  Yes, I knew that its two coats in one.
   4. A portable CD player with speakers would be nice. The one Elder Arnett’s previous comp left is not very good.
   5. Uncle Pat and his son did come by in the morning and dropped off a few pies and at first I didn't recognize them. lol.  The pies were great!
   6. Thanksgiving was awesome we had three dinners on three days. mmmmm....

This week was a little slow with exchanges and Thanksgiving, but this week will be a good week.
         On Thanksgiving, a member family, who we were suppose to have dinner with the next day, the father ended up in the Hospital.  This family has been going through sooooo much. Five deaths in two weeks and then the father gets in the hospital. We gave him a blessing and then on Sunday we went by to visit them. He's doing better, way better. That was awesome. Also, one of our investigators (feels more like a good friend) is having a tough time. He is now homeless, but thank goodness someone in the ward gave him a place to stay. Well, it’s his van, but at least he's doing physically well. That was my week. Sorry that I'm not writing much, but I will write more next time.
    Safety and Peace,  God bless and if you sneezed during this E-mail bless your face.  Peace on.  This is Elder Morris from Chico, CA Signing Out!!!!!

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