Tuesday, November 2, 2010

School or no School?

Safty and Peace my friends, yesterday..... well actually sunday Oct. 31, 2010 17:00 MT to be exact I found this book in my room titled "BYU Independent study" and as I looked at the book my mind started to wonder to the time when I recieved this book like I am right now and some how going off subject........................ Oh right sorry, where was I hmm oh yeah the book as I started looking thourgh it I saw some free classes and as I got to the end I saw the most amazing thing ever!!! A class called "Missionary Prepeperation (youth)" I could not believe my eyes I would never thought that they help pre-missionarys so that is what I'm doing I'm taking classes to help prepare me for a mission YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Until next time Safety and Peace my friends.


  1. Wow I just notice that I posted this at 12:00 exactly!!

  2. That's so cool that you are taking a missionary prep course. I taught that in a ward sunday school class many years ago. We are doing great, Aunt Liese's Mom and Stepdad are going to the MTC monday fot their Washington DC Temple Mission. They are geting set apart today. So we will be praying for you and them while y'all bless the lives of others. Give our love to your dad, mom, Arthur, Martin and Lydia! Uncle Glenn
