Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Elder Morris is in the Building,

This week has been kind of a struggle for me, ( I don't know if it was not getting a letter or what), but as you know I'm not much of a people person when it comes to sharing the gosple, but I keep trying and I guess it will come to me soon.

    This day is my 40th mission day, on Monday we were playing dodgeball as a zone and Elder Arnett went up to catch the ball, he did then he landed on another ball and rolled his Ankle pretty badly, so on this day we stayed in and studied and read and watch some church films alllll day. So we didn't do much.....

    The morning of this day I decided to study more diligantly and learn as much as I can, so I could know what to teach all of our investigators that day, and it's been hard trying to teach and listen to the spirit and our investigators needs, it's hard to empty your mind so you can feel the spirit and know what to say. we taught Darla about Tithing and offerings, and getting her ready for Baptism on the 8th. We also Taught Floyd that night and while we are teaching, his roommate came and joined us, his name is Chris and he really loves the lessons. They live in a "Sober Enivorment" I think thats what it is called, so everyone there is trying to quite drugs or other stuff.

    This day I thought was gonna be a slow day, we planned for our investigators and then we had lunch with the Atkins ( a great family, Amazing BBQ sauce mmmmmmmmm) and Darla and her Fiance came too.  He is a less-active trying to be active, we all went out to Mountian Mikes for lunch and oh man its sooo bad for you but, taste soooooooo good too. After that we planned on visiting Tony and his family and see how he was doing, everytime I go visit him I feel like he is the one, soooo ready for the gospel, we gave him a plan of salvation packet and ask him to look over it and we are visiting him tonight .

     This was one of the Craziest days ever, we woke up at 06:00 to go to the church to do Building Clean up, and there it seemed more difficult than it should and I relized that I forgot to pray, the hymn kept going through my mind, and when I went into the Primary room to vacuum it, I went to the Podium, and said a quick pray that my day will be smoother and easier, and my day was better thanks to prayer my day was good, then after we cleaned up the church we went to the stake center to get it ready for Baptism for a family in the ward, I love seeing baptism I get a warm feeling every time. Later that day we went to a nice trailer park and Tract there and we found one family that was interested, but the parents only speak spanish. Oh well so we gave them to the spanish elders, it seems like everyone we meet is ether out of our area or spanish, but atlease we're spreading the word. Later that night we were watching Legacy with Floyd and his family, That movie is sooooooo Cheesy, compared to the ones today lol.

    Sunday a day of rest......................... not for a missionary at church on sunday we had 4 of our investigaters show up: Floyd, Ella, Darla,..... ok maybe three that I can remember..... what its been along week.....

Well that was my week I hope all is well.

     So until next time Safety and Peace, God bless, and if you sneeze during this Email bless your face, Requista in Pace, and keep your stick on the Ice, Elder Morris signing out.
Bah dum do do do do do dodo do subscribe....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chico, CA

     It's been so crazy here in Chico, things are moving fast... too fast and sometimes slow in between, so much has happen in this week.

    On Wedsnday, we started out visiting a few people, inviting them to the open house that we had, and then we went and taught Ella an 89 year old woman who is so sweet and kind but hard to teach cause we teach her one day and then she sort of forgets but we're not giving up on her. :) who knows maybe we're preparing her after this life.
    The next day we did exchanges with the Zone leaders, we mostly did tracting that day, in the morning we were biking back to the home (oh I tore my pant leg Elder Thompsons bike is evil lol), anyway there was a guy who was shoveling dirt and we went up to him and asked him if he needs help but before we finished our sentence he said " I don't want nothing to do with you guys and I think Christianity is a bunch of BS and you can shove it up your butt (only he didn't say butt)," "but we thought--," "Get out of here" so we went on our way and we discussed how could a person get like that and it's just crazy.  Then we did a little more tracting around some apartments where the college kids reside and it wasn't bad we had a lesson with one of them and it was great.

    The next few days we mostly did lessons and on Sunday we had an open house and out of all our investigators only one showed up, his name is Floyd Virgil we met him on friday and actually he called us and he wanted to know more so we taught him a little bit of the Restoration and he seemed so excited to learn and seeing him excited gets me excited, it was a great day.

I will write to you more later through letters and hope you all have a great time back at home,

I miss you all a lot.
 I found this great Scripture while studying and Thought I might share it with you , it's in D&C 121:7-9 this is where Joseph is in Liberty Jail and his faith is being shaken and the lord told him this,

   " My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."

 This scripture makes me think that what I'm going through he'll be there to help me.
   I hope you like it.

 Safety and Peace, God bless,
 Elder Morris

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nathan Arrives in California!

Elder Nathaniel Morris arrived in California on Tuesday, August 30th early in the morning.  We were able to get a call from him that morning from the airport.  It was great to hear his voice.  He is doing great and is anxious to get settled and back to work.  We also received a letter from his Mission President on Thursday, Sept 1st.  It included pictures which I will attempt to place on this blog.  He looks like a fantastic Missionary.  As soon as I have his address and new area I will post that here for all of you who would like to write to him.  I know he would love to hear how you are all doing.  Please don't comment here as he cannot see it or read your comments.  As for now, Peace and Safety (Nathan's words) my friends and family. LOL